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Prof. dr. J.W. (Jan Willem) Bolderdijk

Sustainability & Marketing - Responsible Consumption

Prof. dr. J.F.M.G. (Jan) Bouwens

Accounting - Trust and validation of sustainability metrics and reporting

Prof. dr. W.M. (Willemijn) van Dolen

Marketing – Consumer Behavior and Marketing with a focus on Sustainability

Dr. M.I. (Martijn) Dröes

Climate Change and Real Estate - Amsterdam Business School

M.O. (Ongun) Durhan

Global supply chains and inequality - Amsterdam Business School

Dr. P. (Panikos) Georgallis

Strategy & International Business - Amsterdam Business School

R.L.S. (Rhea) Goh

PhD | Sustainability Marketing - Amsterdam Business School

Mr. drs. N. (Nena) van der Horst

PhD | Sustainability Marketing - Amsterdam Business School

Prof. dr. J.E.M. (Ans) Kolk

International Business - Amsterdam Business School

Prof. A.E. (Arno) Kourula

Business & Sustainability - Amsterdam Business School

Dr B. (Burcu) Küçükkeles

Strategy and International Business - Amsterdam Business School

Dr. B.A. (Bart) Lameijer

Economics and business - Amsterdam Business School

Dr A. (Ana) Mićković

Accounting - Amsterdam Business School

Prof. dr. A.M. (Alessio M.) Pacces

Law and Economics of Sustainable Finance

Prof. dr. F. (Rick) van der Ploeg

Macroeconomics, public finances, climate & resource depletion

Dr. G. (Giorgia) Romagnoli

Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Dr. V.G. (Vittoria) Scalera

International Business - Amsterdam Business School

Prof. dr. P.M.A. (Paul) Smeets

Sustainable Finance - Amsterdam Business School

Dr. J. (Joeri) Sol

Entrepreneurship and Innovations - Amsterdam Business School

Dr. U. (Ulrike) Thuerheimer

Accounting - Assurance over sustainability accounting and reporting

Dr. M.K. (Michelle) Westermann-Behaylo

International Strategy and Marketing - Amsterdam Business School

Prof. dr. S.J.G. (Sweder) van Wijnbergen

Macro & International Economics - Economics of Climate Change; applying tools of modern finance to calculate the Social Cost of Carbon; assess the link between climate risks and asset prices; and study green