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SEVEN is the climate institute of the University of Amsterdam, bringing together the knowledge of all 7 faculties of the UvA. Economics and Business, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, the Faculty of Science, the Amsterdam Law School, and the Faculty of Dentistry.

We deploy this UvA-wide knowledge to combat climate change and make vulnerable societies, anywhere in the world, more resilient. Radical (systemic) changes are needed to achieve the agreed climate goals. To contribute to this, we always adopt a system perspective and an inter- and transdisciplinary working method, bringing together all the knowledge and expertise available within the UvA. 

Collaboration is an essential part of our approach. We therefore cordially invite scientists, civil society organisations, companies and other external partners to contact us.

SEVEN is led by the SEVEN-team, which represents all participating faculties. The team members are: Peter van Dam, John Grin, Frenk van Harreveld, Ans Kolk, André Nollkaemper, Niek Sperna Weiland, Catherine Volgenant, Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh en Bob van der Zwaan.  

SEVEN conducts research and teaching with the participation of the broad UvA community of more than 150 staff with expertise in sustainability, united in the UvA Sustainability Platform (USP).

For more information: Iona Tjiong, 

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