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What does SEVEN offer?

SEVEN helps organisations formulate solution directions for complex climate transition issues by conducting interdisciplinary research from a systems perspective.

With a systems perspective, SEVEN examines the interconnectedness of different elements, such as technology, behaviour, infrastructure, organisations, regulation, social norms, etc. We bring together different legal science disciplines, civil society organisations, businesses and citizens to conduct research from a systemic perspective.  Based on that research, we formulate solution directions that connected partners can work on.

What makes SEVEN unique is that it can draw on the full breadth of disciplines at the UvA. SEVEN uses that breadth to examine the climate issue from various perspectives, such as behaviour (of citizens and companies), financing, laws and regulations, sustainable innovation (technology), cultural dimensions, justice, etc.

These are our current projects.

How we work

SEVEN uses a distinctive method: for each project, we go through 7 steps. We always work in co-creation with civil society organisations, companies and other external parties.

At the start of each project, we dialogue with organisations to determine the content and scope of the social issue from the system perspective and formulate a good research question. In addition, there is plenty of room for organisations to be involved during the research. Finally, SEVEN can support parties in developing practical interventions.

Working together?

Collaboration is an essential part of our approach. We invite scientists, civil society organisations, businesses, and citizens to collaborate on research projects with us.

Ted Jan Post
Impact developer
Would you like to contribute to one of our projects or start a new research project? Then get in touch with us!
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