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Dr. J.D. (Jesse) van Amelsvoort

Cultural studies and European studies -

Dr. L.G.H. (Laurens) Bakker

Anthropology - Resource conflict

Dr. D.A. (Dana) Brablecova PhD

Race, Decoloniality and Intersectionality - Centre for Latin-American Research and Documentation

Dr F. (Fabio) de Castro

Political Science, Anthropology & Environmental Science - Environmental governance, political ecology, environmental justice

Prof. P.H. (Peter) van Dam

Consumer society and sustainable consumption - Environment & Society: Contestation and Governance Research Group

Dr. A. (Annet) Dekker

Departement Mediastudies

Prof. dr. H.O. (Huub) Dijstelbloem

Philosophy of science, technology and politics - Institute for Advanced Studies

Prof. dr. B.B. (Barbara) Hogenboom

Latin-America Studies - Centre for Latin-American Research and Documentation

Dr. S.F. (Samuël) Kruizinga

Modern History - Focus on war, peace, and sustainability impacts

A.M. (Alex) Olieman MSc


G. (Gabriela) Russo Lopes

CEDLA – communities and forests in Brazil (zero-deforestation agreements, nature restoration, transformation pathways, sociobiodiversity value chains).

Dr. C.P. (Colin) Sterling

Environmental perspectives on heritage and museums.

Dr. A.J. (Andrew) Telford

Climate Change Politics - Climate art and fiction

Dr. P.W. (P.W.) Zuidhof

Europese Politieke Economie – Markets for the Environment in the European context