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Dr L.H. (Lies) Jacobs

Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Area of expertise: remote sensing, crowdsourcing, citizen science, spatio-temporal modelling, GIS, environmental risks

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.232
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications




    • Broothaerts, N., Razanamahandry, V. F., Brosens, L., Campforts, B., Jacobs, L., Razafimbelo, T., Rafolisy, T., Verstraeten, G., Bouillon, S., & Govers, G. (2022). Vegetation changes and sediment dynamics in the Lake Alaotra region, central Madagascar. Holocene. Advance online publication.
    • Brosens, L., Broothaerts, N., Campforts, B., Jacobs, L., Razanamahandry, V. F., Van Moerbeke, Q., Bouillon, S., Razafimbelo, T., Rafolisy, T., & Govers, G. (2022). Under pressure: Rapid lavaka erosion and floodplain sedimentation in central Madagascar. Science of the Total Environment, 806(2), Article 150483. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Brosens, L., Campforts, B., Govers, G., Aldana-Jague, E., Razanamahandry, V. F., Razafimbelo, T., Rafolisy, T., & Jacobs, L. (2022). Comparative analysis of the Copernicus, TanDEM-X, and UAV-SfM digital elevation models to estimate lavaka (gully) volumes and mobilization rates in the Lake Alaotra region (Madagascar). Earth Surface Dynamics, 10(2), 209-227. [details]
    • Nakulopa, F., Vanderkelen, I., Van de Walle, J., Van Lipzig, N. P. M., Tabari, H., Jacobs, L., Tweheyo, C., Dewitte, O., & Thiery, W. (2022). Evaluation of High-Resolution Precipitation Products over the Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda). Journal of hydrometeorology, 23(5), 747-768. [details]
    • Razanamahandry, V. F., Dewaele, M., Govers, G., Brosens, L., Campforts, B., Jacobs, L., Razafimbelo, T., Rafolisy, T., & Bouillon, S. (2022). Stable isotope profiles of soil organic carbon in forested and grassland landscapes in the Lake Alaotra basin (Madagascar): insights in past vegetation changes. Biogeosciences, 19(16), 3825-3841. [details]
    • Sekajugo, J., Kagoro-Rugunda, G., Mutyebere, R., Kabaseke, C., Namara, E., Dewitte, O., Kervyn, M., & Jacobs, L. (2022). Can citizen scientists provide a reliable geo-hydrological hazard inventory? An analysis of biases, sensitivity and precision for the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), Article 045011. [details]


    • Ashepet, MG., Jacobs, L., Van Oudheusden, M., & Huyse, T. (2021). Wicked Solution for Wicked Problems: Citizen Science for Vector-Borne Disease Control in Africa. Trends in Parasitology, 37(2), 93-96.
    • Brees, J., Huyse, T., Tumusiime, J., Kagoro-Rugunda, G., Namirembe, D., Mugabi, F., Nyakato, V., Anyolitho, M. K., Tolo, C. U., & Jacobs, L. (2021). The Potential of Citizen-Driven Monitoring of Freshwater Snails in Schistosomiasis Research. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), Article 18. [details]
    • Delima, G., Jacobs, L., Loopmans, M., Ekyaligonza, M., Kabaseke, C., Kervyn, M., & Mertens, K. (2021). DisCoord: co-creating DRR knowledge in Uganda through interaction in a serious game. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60, 102303.
    • Depicker, A., Govers, G., Jacobs, L., Campforts, B., Uwihirwe, J., & Dewitte, O. (2021). Interactions between deforestation, landscape rejuvenation, and shallow landslides in the North Tanganyika--Kivu rift region, Africa. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9(3), 445-462.
    • Depicker, A., Jacobs, L., Mboga, N., Smets, B., Van Rompaey, A., Lennert, M., Wolff, E., Kervyn, F., Michellier, C., & Dewitte, O. (2021). Historical dynamics of landslide risk from population and forest-cover changes in the Kivu Rift. Nature Sustainability, 4, 965–974.
    • Depicker, A., Jacobs, L., Mboga, N., Smets, B., Van Rompaey, A., Lennert, M., Wolff, E., Kervyn, F., Michellier, C., Dewitte, O., & Govers, G. (2021). Author Correction: Historical dynamics of landslide risk from population and forest-cover changes in the Kivu Rift. Nature Sustainability, 4(10), 920.
    • Montanari, M., Jacobs, L., Haklay, M., Donkor, F. K., & Mondardini, M. R. (2021). Agenda 2030's,“Leave no one behind”, in citizen science? JCOM, Journal of Science Communication, 20(6), Article A07.
    • Tack, B., Vita, D., Phoba, M-F., Mbuyi-Kalonji, L., Hardy, L., Barbe, B., Jacobs, J., Lunguya, O., & Jacobs, L. (2021). Direct association between rainfall and non-typhoidal Salmonella bloodstream infections in hospital-admitted children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 21617. [details]
    • Zhao, M., Jacobs, L., Bouillon, S., & Govers, G. (2021). Rapid soil organic carbon decomposition in river systems: effects of the aquatic microbial community and hydrodynamical disturbance. Biogeosciences, 18, 1511–1523.


    • Depicker, A., Jacobs, L., Delvaux, D., Havenith, H-B., Mateso, J-CM., Govers, G., & Dewitte, O. (2020). The added value of a regional landslide susceptibility assessment: The western branch of the East African Rift. Geomorphology, 353, Article 106886.
    • Jacobs, L., Kervyn, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Marchesini, I., Alvioli, M., & Dewitte, O. (2020). Regional susceptibility assessments with heterogeneous landslide information: Slope unit- vs. pixel-based approach. Geomorphology, 356, Article 107084.


    • Broeckx, J., Maertens, M., Isabirye, M., Vanmaercke, M., Namazzi, B., Deckers, J., Tamale, J., Jacobs, L., Thiery, W., Kervyn, M., Vranken, L., & Poesen, J. (2019). Landslide susceptibility and mobilization rates in the Mount Elgon region, Uganda. Landslides, 16(3), 571-584.
    • Jacobs, L., Kabaseke, C., Bwambale, B., Katutu, R., Dewitte, O., Mertens, K., Maes, J., & Kervyn, M. (2019). The geo-observer network: A proof of concept on participatory sensing of disasters in a remote setting. Science of the Total Environment, 670, 245-261.
    • Maes, J., Mertens, K., Jacobs, L., Bwambale, B., Vranken, L., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., & Kervyn, M. (2019). Social multi-criteria evaluation to identify appropriate disaster risk reduction measures: application to landslides in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Landslides, 16(9), 1793-1807.


    • Jacobs, L., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., Sekajugo, J., Nobile, A., Rossi, M., Thiery, W., & Kervyn, M. (2018). Field-based landslide susceptibility assessment in a data-scarce environment: the populated areas of the Rwenzori Mountains. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(1), 105-124.
    • Maes, J., Parra, C., Mertens, K., Bwambale, B., Jacobs, L., Poesen, J., Dewitte, O., Vranken, L., de Hontheim, A., Kabaseke, C., & Kervyn, M. (2018). Questioning network governance for disaster risk management: Lessons learnt from landslide risk management in Uganda. Environmental Science & Policy, 85, 163-171.
    • Mertens, K., Jacobs, L., Maes, J., Poesen, J., Kervyn, M., & Vranken, L. (2018). Disaster risk reduction among households exposed to landslide hazard: A crucial role for self-efficacy? Land Use Policy, 75, 77-91.
    • Monsieurs, E., Jacobs, L., Michellier, C., Tchangaboba, JB., Ganza, GB., Kervyn, F., Mateso, J-CM., Bibentyo, TM., Buzera, CK., Nahimana, L., Ndayisenga, A., Nkurunziza, P., Thiery, W., Demoulin, A., Kervyn, M., & Dewitte, O. (2018). Landslide inventory for hazard assessment in a data-poor context: a regional-scale approach in a tropical African environment. Landslides, 15(11), 2195-2209.
    • Monsieurs, E., Kirschbaum, DB., Tan, J., Mateso, J-CM., Jacobs, L., Plisnier, P-D., Thiery, W., Umutoni, A., Musoni, D., Bibentyo, TM., Ganza, GB., Mawe, GI., Bagalwa, L., Kankurize, C., Michellier, C., Stanley, T., Kervyn, F., Kervyn, M., Demoulin, A., & Dewitte, O. (2018). Evaluating TMPA Rainfall over the Sparsely Gauged East African Rift. Journal of hydrometeorology, 19(9), 1507-1528.


    • Jacobs, L., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., Maes, J., Mertens, K., Sekajugo, J., & Kervyn, M. (2017). Landslide characteristics and spatial distribution in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 917-930.
    • Maes, J., Kervyn, M., de Hontheim, A., Dewitte, O., Jacobs, L., Mertens, K., Vanmaercke, M., Vranken, L., & Poesen, J. (2017). Landslide risk reduction measures: A review of practices and challenges for the tropics. Progress in Physical Geography, 41(2), 191-221.
    • Maes, J., Poesen, J., Parra, C., Kabaseke, C., Bwambale, B., Mertens, K., Jacobs, L., Dewitte, O., Vranken, L., de Hontheim, A., & Kervyn, M. (2017). Landslide risk management in Uganda: A multi-level policy approach. In Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides - Advances in Landslide Technology (Vol. 3, pp. 395-403). Springer.


    • Jacobs, L., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., Delvaux, D., Thiery, W., & Kervyn, M. (2016). The Rwenzori Mountains, a landslide-prone region? Landslides, 13(3), 519-536.
    • Jacobs, L., Maes, J., Mertens, K., Sekajugo, J., Thiery, W., Lipzig, N. V., Poesen, J., Kervyn, M., & Dewitte, O. (2016). Reconstruction of a flash flood event through a multi-hazard approach: focus on the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Natural Hazards, 84, 851–876.
    • Mertens, K., Jacobs, L., Maes, J., Kabaseke, C., Maertens, M., Poesen, J., Kervyn, M., & Vranken, L. (2016). The direct impact of landslides on household income in tropical regions: A case study from the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda. Science of the Total Environment, 550, 1032-1043.

    Prize / grant

    • Jacobs, L., Praetorius, A., Brick, C. & van Berlo, Z. (2023). IMPETUS Sustaining Grant.
    • Jacobs, L., Praetorius, A., Brick, C. & van Berlo, Z. (2023). Midsize Project Grant.


    • Chan, K., Tumusiime, J., Jacobs, L. & Huyse, T. (1-6-2024). The Potential of Deep Learning Object Detection in Citizen-Driven Snail Host Monitoring to Map Putative Disease Transmission Sites. Zenodo.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • KU Leuven