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Dr. Z. (Zamira) Xhaferri PhD

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D2.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Bio

    Zamira is a full-time Lecturer in European Law at the European Studies Department of the University of Amsterdam. Her previous roles include a Lecturer in European law at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany), University of Fulda (Germany), THUAS (the Netherlands), a project coordinator and a PhD researcher in EU law at Maastricht University (the Netherlands), a legal coordinator and researcher for the office of the Albanian Prime Minister and an attorney at law in one of the leading law firms in Albania. Zamira has received a PhD degree in European Law from Maastricht University, an Advanced Master of Laws degree in International and European Economic Law from Maastricht University thanks to the merit-based High Potential scholarship granted by the same University, a Double Master degree in Law and Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Hamburg University thanks to an Erasmus Mundus scholarship granted by the European Commission, and a bachelor of laws degree from the University of Tirana (summa cum laude). Zamira has also received individual research grants for research visits at the Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, and Wuerzburg  University. Zamira is a member of the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies. Zamira has also successfully passed the bar exam and is qualified to practice law.

  • Research Interests

    Zamira's research interests include delegation of powers in the European Union on food safety, health and environmental matters, comitology, delegated acts and European agencies. 

  • Core Publications

    Xhaferri, Z  (2022) 'Law and Practices of Delegated Rulemaking by the European Commission' (forthcoming monograph) Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law - Brill, Vol. 22, 17 November 2022) <;result=1

    Khan, S., S. Timojevic L., Newton, R., Coutinho, D., Luis Llerena, J., Ortega, S., Benighaus, L., Hofmaier, C., Xhaferri, Z., de Boer, A., Urban, C., Straehle, M., Da Pos, L., Neresini, F., Raats, M. M., Hadwiger, K.,. The framing of innovation among European research funding actors: Assessing the potential for 'responsible research innovation' in the food and health domain. Food policy (2016), 62, 78-87.

    Xhaferri, Z., Delegated acts, implementing acts and institutional balance implications post-Lisbon, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2013) 20(4), 557-575.


  • Publications


    • Doli, D., & Xhaferri, Z. (in press). The Shapes of Neutrality. EU Enlargement, Engagement, and Kosovo’s European Path. European Journal of Risk Regulation.
    • Xhaferri, Z., & Robles, J. (2025). Third-Party Claims Before the Multilateral Investment Court: Enhancing Third-Party Rights in Investment Treaty Arbitration. In J. Bäumler, C. Binder, M. Bungenberg, M. Krajewski, G. Rühl, C. J. Tams, J. Philipp Terhechte, & A. R. Ziegler (Eds.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law Springer.
    • Xhaferri, Z., & Robles, J. (in press). Rethinking the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement and the Multilateral Investment Court to Enhance Third-party Rights in Investment Treaty Arbitration. In H. Van Asselt , K. Huhta, & S. Vesa (Eds.), Edited volume on Future-Proofing Law in a Time of Environmental Emergence Edward Elgar Publishing.


    • H.C.Hofmann, H., Coman-Kund, F., & Xhaferri, Z. (2024). Assessing the Post-Lisbon European Union's System of Delegated Powers at Fifteen. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 15(4), 781-792.
    • Xhaferri, Z., & Coman-Kund, F. (Eds.) (2024). Delegated Rulemaking in the European Union 15 Years Post-Lisbon: Law, Politics, and Practice. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 15(4).
    • Xhaferri, Z., & Robles, J. (2024). Towards Sanctions-Based Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters in the EU’s Free Trade Agreements: Why the EU’s New Trade and Sustainable Development Policy Is A Step Forward?. Manuscript submitted for publication.



    • Khan, S. S., Timotijevic, L., Newton, R., Coutinho, D., Llerena, J. L., Ortega, S., Benighaus, L., Hofmaier, C., Xhaferri, Z., de Boer, A., Urban, C., Strähle, M., Da Pos, L., Neresini, F., Raats, M. M., & Hadwiger, K. (2016). The framing of innovation among European research funding actors: Assessing the potential for 'responsible research and innovation' in the food and health domain. Food Policy, 62, 78-87.


    • Xhaferri, Z. (2013). Delegated acts, implementing acts and institutional balance implications post-Lisbon, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 20(4), 557-575.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    Journal editor

    • Xhaferri, Z. (member of editorial board) (2024). European Journal of Risk Regulation (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Xhaferri, Z. (speaker) (12-12-2023). Leadership & Sustainability in Europe: Where Now, What Next <>,
      Leadership & Sustainability in Europe: Where Now, What Next.
    • Xhaferri, Z. (speaker) (6-12-2023). Plastic food packaging and food security within European Legislation: Are there means for human rights protection from chemicals? International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference ‘The Universal, International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together’, Ghent.
    • Xhaferri, Z. (speaker) (3-9-2023). 'Delegated Acts, Implementing Acts and the Balance of Powers post-Lisbon’, Delegated Acts, Implementing Acts and the Balance of Powers post-Lisbon’, Belfast.
    • Xhaferri, Z. (speaker) (31-7-2023). The CJEU’s Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law:Implications for Environmental Democracy Rights in International Investment Arbitration in the European Union and Beyond’., The CJEU's Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law:
      Implications for Environmental Democracy Rights in International Investment Arbitration in the European Union and Beyond.
    • Xhaferri, Z. (speaker) (26-7-2023). Research-based Teaching in Undergraduate Education: European Studies and Beyond, Research-based Teaching in Undergraduate Education: European Studies and Beyond
      , Southampton.


    • Xhaferri, Z. (participant) (12-12-2023). Leadership & Sustainability in Europe: Where Now, What Next<> . In an ever-changing world marked by global challenges, our workshop aims to explore the vital intersection of leadership and sustainability, with a (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Xhaferri, Z. (participant) (6-12-2023 - 8-12-2023). International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together’, Ghent. Plastic food packaging and food security within European Legislation: are there means for human rights protection from chemicals? (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Xhaferri, Z. (organiser) (1-12-2023). Re-thinking EU enlargement. Rethinking EU Enlargement The focus of the workshop is on the importance of the enlargement policy and the EU's relations with its South-Eastern and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Xhaferri, Z. (participant) (31-8-2023 - 2-9-2023). The CJEU’s Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law:Implications for Environmental Democracy Rights in International Investment Arbitration in the European Union and Beyond’., Aix-en- Provence. The CJEU’s Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law:Implications for Environmental Democracy Rights in International (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Xhaferri, Z. (participant) (31-7-2023 - 4-8-2023). The CJEU's Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law: Implications for Environmental Democracy Rights in International Investment Arbitration in the European Union and Beyond, Joensuu, . The CJEU's Interpretation of the Principle of Autonomy of EU Law: Implicationsfor Environmental Democracy Rights in International Investment (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Xhaferri, Z. (organiser) (20-1-2023). The Law, Politics and Practice of Delegated Rulemaking in the European Union, Amsterdam. Workshop on "The Law, Politics and Practice of Delegated Rulemaking in the European Union" funded by the Amsterdam Center for European Studies to (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…


    • Xhaferri, Z. (2020). Delegation of Rulemaking Powers to the European Commission: Law and Practice. [Thesis, fully external, Maastricht University].
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities