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R.J. (Rodrigo) Vallejo Garretón

Faculty of Law
Dep. Private Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: A8.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15842
    1001 NH Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Dr. Rodrigo Vallejo is Assistant Professor at Amsterdam Law School and researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law (ACT) and the Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL) network. He specialises in the interactions between economic law, socio-political theory, and regulatory policies at the national and transnational levels, with research agendas that are generally situated at the edges of the private-public distinction. Since October 2022 Dr. Vallejo is also a part-time postdoctoral fellow at the Centre of Private Governance (CEPRI) of Copenhagen Law School, where he is developing a research project entitled ReValue: Thinking Infrastructurally About Business Activities and Economic Value for a Socio-Ecological Transformation funded by the European Union under a ‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie’ research grant. Before joining University of Amsterdam, Dr. Vallejo was affiliate researcher to the the External Dimension of European Regulatory Private Law project (University of Helsinki, Finland) and the Global Administrative Law project (New York University, USA).

    Dr. Vallejo holds a PhD in Law and a Masters (LL.M) in Comparative, European, and International Law at the European University Institute (Hans Kelsen Doctoral Fellowship), a Masters (LL.M) in Legal Theory at New York University (Fullbright Scholarship), and a Bachelor in Law and Social Sciences (LL.B) at University of Chile (Summa Cum Laude). Dr. Vallejo also has a ten-year experience as a litigant and legal advisor in public-private relations and business law and regulation in specialised offices within the government and the private sector. As part of this professional trajectory, Dr. Vallejo has been involved in the design and implementation of lawyering strategies in several regulated markets, such as telecommunications, energy, infrastructure, urban transport, mining, and pharmaceuticals.

    The teaching portfolio of Dr. Vallejo encompasses the design, lecturing, and coordination of courses at a doctoral, master, and bachelor levels. Within Amsterdam Law School, these courses include Comparative Law (LL.M), European Private Law in Practice (LL.M), European Private Law & Inequality (BA), Principles of Private Law (BA), and Skills and Methods in Law (PPLE). Dr. Vallejo is also the academic coordinator of the Minor programme on Law & Justice in the European Union at Amsterdam Law School.  

  • Publications




    • Vallejo, R. (2020). After Governance? The Idea of a Private Administrative Law. In P. F. Kjaer (Ed.), The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function of Law (pp. 320-347). Cambridge University Press. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Vallejo, R. (2020). Voyaging through Standards, Contracts, and Codes: the Transnational Quest of European Regulatory Private Law. In M. Cantero Gamito, & H.-W. Micklitz (Eds.), The Role of the EU in Transnational Legal Ordering: Standards, Contracts and Codes (pp. 265-298). (Private regulation). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]


    • Kingsbury, B., Donaldson, M., & Vallejo, R. (2016). Global administrative law and deliberative democracy. In A. Orford, & F. Hoffmann (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law (pp. 526-542). Oxford University Press.
    • Vallejo Garretón, R. (2016). La constitución económica Chilena: un ensayo en (de) construcción (The Chilean economic constitution: an essay in (de) construction). Estudios Constitucionales, 14(1), 247-290.
    • Vallejo Garretón, R. (2016). La historicidad del Derecho Administrativo: acerca del régimen supletorio de prescripción aplicable a las infracciones y sanciones administrativas (The historicity of administrative law: on the subsidiary statue of limitations regime concerning administrative offences and their sanctions). Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 48, 281-301.


    • Vallejo Garretón, R., & Pardow, D. (2010). El traje nuevo del emperador: una revisión de la jurisprudencia del Consejo para la Transparencia respecto de las empresas públicas (The emperor’s new clothes: a review of the Council for Transparency decisions on state-owned companies). In J. Couso (Ed.), Anuario de Derecho Público 2010 (pp. 220-243). Universidad Diego Portales.



    • Vallejo Garretón, R., & Pardow, D. (2008). Derribando mitos sobre estado empresario (Knocking down myths on state entrepreneurial activities). Revista Chilena de Derecho, 35(1), 135-156.



    • Leiter, A. (organiser) & Vallejo, R. (organiser) (10-10-2024 - 11-10-2024). Law & (De)Valuation Practices (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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