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Dr H. (Hamed) Seiied Alavi

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: L6.15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Hamed S. Alavi
Social media
  • Hamed S. Alavi

    As a tenure track assistant professor, Hamed is a founding member of the Digital Interactions Lab in the Faculty of Science. 

    Hamed 's research is focused on the future of human's interactive experiences with built environments. Particularly, he is interested in the engagement of computer science, particualrlty Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in the evolution of buildings and urban spaces as they increasingly incorporate artificial intelligence, context-aware automation, and interactivity.
    What are the specific attributes of building that HCI and Ubicomp researchers should take into account when shifting attention and scale from "artefact" to "architecture", from usability and engagement to occupant comfort across multiple dimensions (e.g., thermal, visual, acoustic, respiratory), and from (often) short lifespan or discretionary to durable and immersive experiences? These and other questions that embody the complexity of our interactive experiences with built environments define the scope of Hamed's research, which he has been developing with the notion of Human-Building Interaction

    Hamed holds a PhD in Computer and Communication Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). Hamed's doctoral research contributed to the application of ubiquitous technologies in classroom education, particularly ambient interfaces that can encourage and support collaborative learning.

  • Publications






    Jakub Mlynar, Farzaneh Bahrami, André Ourednik, Nico Mutzner, Himanshu Verma, and Hamed Alavi. 2022. AI beyond Deus ex Machina – Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 370, 1–13.


    Alavi, H., Zhong, S. and Lalanne, D. 2022. Indoor Air Quality Forecast in Shared Spaces– Predictive Models and Adaptive Design Proposals. SPOOL. 9, 1 (May 2022), 57–63.


    Oskam, P., Bier, H., & Alavi, H. (2022). Bio-Cyber-Physical ‘Planetoids’ for Repopulating Residual Spaces. SPOOL9(1), 49–55.




    Zhong, Sailin, Denis Lalanne, and Hamed Alavi. "The Complexity of Indoor Air Quality Forecasting and the Simplicity of Interacting with It–A Case Study of 1007 Office Meetings." Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021. 


    Rosset, Loïc, Hamed Alavi, Sailin Zhong, and Denis Lalanne. "Already It Was Hard to Tell Who’s Speaking Over There, and Now Face Masks! Can Binaural Audio Help Remote Participation in Hybrid Meetings?." In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-7. 2021. 


    Ourednik, Andre, Jakub Mlynar, Farzaneh Bahrami, Nico Mutzner, and Hamed Alavi. "A topology of the imaginaire: Urban experts' vision of AI." In Deep City–Climate crisis, democracy and the digital: International Latsis Symposium. 2021.




    Alavi, Hamed S., Denis Lalanne, and Yvonne Rogers. "The Five Strands of Living Lab: A Literature Study of the Evolution of Living Lab Concepts in HCI." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 27.2 (2020): 1-26.


    Alavi, Hamed S., Sailin Zhong, and Denis Lalanne. “Predictive Models of Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentration to Prevent Daily Decay of Productivity and Well-Being in Shared Offices”. CEUR-WS Open Access (IUI’20)


    Zhong, Sailin, Hamed S. Alavi, and Denis Lalanne. "Hilo-wear: Exploring Wearable Interaction with Indoor Air Quality Forecast." Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2020. 




    Alavi, Hamed S., Elizabeth F. Churchill, Mikael Wiberg, Denis Lalanne, Peter Dalsgaard, Ava Fatah Gen Schieck, and Yvonne Rogers. "Introduction to human-building interaction (HBI): Interfacing HCI with architecture and urban design." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 26, no. 2 (2019): 6.


    Alavi, Hamed S., Himanshu Verma, Jakub Mlynar, and Denis Lalanne. "On the temporality of adaptive built environments." People, Personal Data and the Built Environment, pp. 13-40. Springer, Cham, 2019.


    Lee, Hyelip, Seungwoo Je, Rachel Kim, Himanshu Verma, Hamed Alavi, and Andrea Bianchi. "Partitioning open-plan workspaces via augmented reality." Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2019): 1-16.


    Alavi, Hamed S., and Farzaneh Bahrami. "Walking in smart cities." Journal of Interactions 26, no. 2 (2019): 66-68.


    Alavi, Hamed, Elizabeth Churchill, Mikael Wiberg, Denis Lalanne, Peter Dalsgaard, and Yvonne Rogers. "Human-building interaction: Sketches and grounds for a research program."  Journal of Interactions 26, no. 4 (2019): 58-61.


    Liu, Can, Hamed S. Alavi, Enrico Costanza, Shumin Zhai, Wendy E. Mackay, and Wendy Moncur. "Rigor, Relevance and Impact: The Tensions and Trade-Offs Between Research in the Lab and in the Wild." CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019. Extended Abstract. CHI 2019


    Lindley, Siân, Noopur Raval, Hamed S. Alavi, Silvia Lindtner, and Ding Wang. "The Future of Work." CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2019. Extended Abstract. CHI 2019


    Lalanne, Denis, and Hamed S. Alavi. "Device, system and method for assessing and improving comfort, health and productivity." U.S. Patent Application 16/348,939, filed September 12, 2019.


    Alavi, Hamed S., Denis Lalanne. “Interfacing AI with Social Sciences: the Call for a New Research Focus in HCI”. INTERACT2019, Workshop on Humans in the Loop - Bringing AI & HCI Together




    Alavi, Hamed S., Himanshu Verma, Jakub Mlynár, and Denis Lalanne. "The Hide and Seek of Workspace: Towards Human-Centric Sustainable Architecture." In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 75. ACM, 2018. CHI 2018


    Alavi, Hamed S., Elizabeth Churchill, David Kirk, Henriette Bier, Himanshu Verma, Denis Lalanne, and Holger Schnädelbach. "From Artifacts to Architecture." In Proceedings of the 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, pp. 387-390. ACM, 2018.


    Alavi, Hamed S., Himanshu Verma, Jakub Mlynar, and Denis Lalanne. "On the Temporality of Adaptive Built Environments" Chapter proposal, Springer Series of Adaptive Environments, People, Personal Data and the Built Environment.                                   


    Alavi, Hamed S., Himanshu Verma, Jakub Mlynar, and Denis Lalanne. "Space-Use Behavior Studies in the Swiss Smart Living Lab" 2018 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  CHI'18. Workshop Living Labs: Measuring Human Experience in the Built Environment


    Villeneuve, Dominic, Tierry Maeder, Hamed S. Alavi, Vincent Kaufmann, Denis Lalanne. “Smart Living Lab: A User Data-Driven Approach”. Book chapter, by EPFL press, under editing.


    Verma, Himanshu, Hamed S. Alavi, and Denis Lalanne. “From Substitution to Augmentation: directions for Human-Interaction Design” Chapter proposal, Springer Series of Adaptive Environments, People, Personal Data and the Built Environment. 


    Mlynar Jakub, Hamed S. Alavi, Himanshu Verma. “Towards a Sociological Conception of Artificial Intelligence”. Accepted to appear in AGI’18: Eleventh Annual Conference on Artificial General Intelligence.




    Alavi, Hamed S., Farzaneh Bahrami, Himanshu Verma, and Denis Lalanne. "Is Driverless Car Another Weiserian Mistake?." In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, pp. 249-253. ACM, 2017.


    Verma, Himanshu, Hamed S. Alavi, and Denis Lalanne. "Studying space use: bringing HCI tools to architectural projects." In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 3856-3866. ACM, 2017. 


    Alavi, Hamed S., Verma, H., Papinutto, M., & Lalanne, D. (2017, September). Comfort: A Coordinate of User Experience in Interactive Built Environments. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 247-257). Springer, Cham.


    Brambilla, Arianna, Hamed S. Alavi, Himanshu Verma, Denis Lalanne, Thomas Jusselme, and Marilyne Andersen. "“Our inherent desire for control”: a case study of automation's impact on the perception of comfort." Energy Procedia 122 (2017): 925-930.


    Prieto, Luis P., Hamed S. Alavi, and Himanshu Verma. "Strong technology-enhanced learning concepts." In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, pp. 454-459. Springer, Cham, 2017.


    Sharma, Kshitij, Hamed S. Alavi, Patrick Jermann, and Pierre Dillenbourg. "Looking THROUGH versus Looking AT: A Strong Concept in Technology Enhanced Learning." In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, pp. 238-253. Springer, Cham, 2017.


    Verma, Himanshu, Hamed S. Alavi, and Denis Lalanne. "Rethinking Wearables in the Realm of Architecture." In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 16-23. Springer, Cham, 2017.


    Alavi, Hamed S., Elizabeth Churchill, Denis Lalanne. “Th Evolution of Human-Building Interaction: An HCI Perspective”. Journal of Architecture and Interaction Design




    Alavi, Hamed S., Denis Lalanne, Julien Nembrini, Elizabeth Churchill, David Kirk, and Wendy Moncur. "Future of human-building interaction." In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 3408-3414. ACM, 2016. 


    Alavi, Hamed S., Elizabeth Churchill, David Kirk, Julien Nembrini, and Denis Lalanne. "Deconstructing human-building interaction." interactions 23, no. 6 (2016): 60-62.


    Zufferey Jessica Dehler, Hamed S. Alavi, Łukasz Kidzinsky, and Pierre Dillenbourg. "Gamified Competition Features for Corporate MOOCs: The Battle Mode." Research Track (2016): 223.


    Sharma, Kshitij, Hamed S. Alavi, Patrick Jermann, and Pierre Dillenbourg. "A gaze-based learning analytics model: in-video visual feedback to improve learner's attention in MOOCs." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, pp. 417-421. ACM, 2016.


  • Publications


    • Bagheri, S., Good, J., & Alavi, H. S. (2024). Visual and acoustic discomfort: A comparative study of impacts on individuals with and without ADHD using electroencephalogram (EEG). Building and Environment, 264.



    • Felber, N. A., & Alavi, H. (2022). A new enemy in the old home? how smart homes will change the experience of home for the elderly. Interactions (ACM), 29(5), 54-57. [details]
    • Mlynar, J., Bahrami, F., Ourednik, A., Mutzner, N., Verma, H., & Alavi, H. (2022). AI beyond Deus ex Machina – Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts. In CHI'22: proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems : April 30-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Article 370 Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Seiied Alavi, H., Bier, H., & Oskam, P. (2022). Bio-Cyber-Physical ‘Planetoids’ for Repopulating Residual Spaces. Spool. Journal of Architecture and the Built Environment, 9(1).
    • Seiied Alavi, H., Zhong, S., & Lalanne, D. (2022). Indoor Air Quality Forecast in Shared Spaces– Predictive Models and Adaptive Design Proposals. Spool. Journal of Architecture and the Built Environment, 9(1), 57-64. [details]
    • Seiied Alavi, H., Zhong, S., Rosset, L., Papinutto, M., & Lalanne, D. (2022). Binaural Audio in Hybrid Meetings: Effects on Speaker Identification, Comprehension, and User Experience. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), Article 279.

    Prize / grant

    • Roelofsen, F., Good, J., de Vreese, C., Helberger, N. & Seiied Alavi, H. (2024). TACT: Inclusive Technologies for Access and Social Participation.
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