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Dr. I. (Ivana) Isailovic

Faculty of Law
European Public Law
Area of expertise: gender, feminist and critical legal theories, political economy, comparative, international private and EU law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Ivana Isailović is Assistant Professor of EU law and member of ACELG. She is the academic coordinator of the Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL) interdisciplinary research project. Her research sits at the intersection of law, gender studies, critical theory and political economy. Her current research examines the interplay between law, political economy and gender in global contexts.

    Her work has been published in the American Journal of Comparative Law, Yale Journal of International Law, Columbia Journal of European Law and McGill Law Journal among others. She is a member of the editorial board of the Transnational Legal Theory journal.

    Prior to joining UvA, she was co-leading the project on Gender & Private International Law at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (2019-2020), she was a visiting scholar in the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies program (WGSS) at Northeastern University (2019-20) a lecturer at MIT where she taught seminars on gender and, identity and multiculturalism in France (Spring 2020) and a visiting scholar at the Northeastern School of Law (2018-2020). She was also a visiting scholar at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (2017-18) a lecturer at Northeastern Law School where she taught a seminar on comparative family law (2018) and a lecturer in the WGSS program (Gender, Social Justice and Transnational Activism seminar, 2018). She also held appointments at NYU School of Law (Emile Noël Fellow, 2016-17) at McGill Faculty of Law (Boulton Fellow, 2015-16) where she taught the seminar 'Social Diversity and Law' and at the Free University of Brussels where she helped create the Equality Law Clinic.

    Ivana presented her research at various institutions in North America and in Europe, including Columbia Law School, Harvard Law School, Northeastern Law School, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, McGill Law School, University of Torino Faculty of Law, Bocconi Law School, SOAS University and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. 

    She holds a PhD in law from Sciences Po Paris (2014), a Master's degree in International Public Law from Sorbonne University (2007-08) and a degree in Global Business Law and Governance (2008-09) - a joint program between Columbia Law School, Sorbonne University, and Sciences Po Paris.

  • Publications


    • Isailovic, I. (2024). EU Abortion Law After Dobbs: States, the Market and Stratified Reproductive Freedom. The Columbia Journal of European Law, 30.
    • Isailovic, I. (2024). Gender in Political Economy and EU Law. Transnational Legal Theory, 15(4), 525-542.
    • Isailovic, I. (2024). Introduction: critical legal approaches in EU law—reflections on new research directions. Transnational Legal Theory, 15(4), 493-499.



    • Isailovic, I. (Accepted/In press). The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage Reforms. In OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LGBT POLITICS AND POLICY
    • Isailović, I. (2020). Family Law: a Blind spot. In P. Zumbansen (Ed.), The Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup's Bold Proposal (pp. 294-318). Cambridge University Press.


    • Isailovic, I. (2019). Rescension d'ouvrage JOHN LINARELLI ET AL., THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Revue critique de droit international privé.



    • Isailovic, I. (2017). Children’s and LGBTI Persons’ Rights: Few Reflections on Their Integration. In E. Brems, E. Desmet, & W. Vandenhole (Eds.), CHILDREN’S RIGHTS IN THE GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS LANDSCAPE (pp. 192-209). Routledge.
    • Isailovic, I., Rorive, I., & Bribosia, E. (2017). Objection Ladies! Pushing IPPF v. Italy One Step Further. In E. Brems, & E. Desmet (Eds.), RE-WRITING HUMAN RIGHTS JUDGMENTS (pp. 261). Edward Elgar Publishing.


    • Isailovic, I. (2015). Indigenous Peoples’ Claims and Challenges over Property. In J. Haskell , & U. Mattei (Eds.), RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON POLITICAL ECONOMY AND LAW Edward Elgar Publishing.


    • Isailovic, I. (2014). Political Recognition and Transnational Law: Gender Equality and Cultural Diversification in French Courts. In H. Muir Watt, & D. Arroyo (Eds.), PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE (pp. 318-342). Oxford University Press.








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