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Dr. C.J. (Colin) Hickey PhD

Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Dablander, F., Hickey, C., Sandberg, M., Zell-Ziegler, C., & Grin, J. (2025). Embracing sufficiency to accelerate the energy transition. Energy Research and Social Science, 120, Article 103907.


    • Hickey, C. (2024). Cambio climático, justicia distributiva y límites "preinstitucionales" a la apropiación de recursos. In I. Robeyns (Ed.), Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo (pp. 331-372). Open Book Publishers.
    • Hickey, C. (2024). Suficiencia, límites y perspectivas de umbrales múltiples. In I. Robeyns (Ed.), Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo (pp. 245-276). Open Book Publishers.


    • Hickey, C. (2023). Climate change, distributive justice, and "pre-institutional" limits on resource appropriation. In I. Robeyns (Ed.), Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism (pp. 297-333). Open Book Publishers.
    • Hickey, C. (2023). Sufficiency, limits, and multi-threshold views. In I. Robeyns (Ed.), Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism (pp. 219-246). Open Book Publishers.
    • Hickey, C. (2023). The Social Cost of Carbon, Abatement Costs, and Individual Climate Duties. Ethics, Policy and Environment, 26(3), 474-491. [details]



    • Hickey, C. (2021). Climate change, distributive justice, and “pre-institutional” limits on resource appropriation. European journal of philosophy, 29(1), 215-235.
    • Hickey, C., Meijers, T., Robeyns, I., & Timmer, D. (2021). The agents of justice. Philosophy Compass, 16(10), Article e12770.


    • Hickey, C., & Robeyns, I. (2020). Koolstofemissies als een Kwestie van Verdelende Rechtvaardigheid. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 112(4), 453-457.
    • Hickey, C., & Robeyns, I. (2020). Planetary justice: What can we learn from ethics and political philosophy? Earth System Governance, 6, Article 100045.



    • Hickey, C., Rieder, T. N., & Earl, J. (2016). Population Engineering and the Fight against Climate Change. Social Theory and Practice : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Philosophy, 42(4), 845-870.



    • Hickey, C. (2020). [Review of: S. Collins (2019) Group Duties: Their Existence and Their Implications for Individuals]. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 37(4), 678-680.

    Prize / grant

    • de Castro, F., Hickey, C., Burgers, L., Fermeglia, M. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Rights of Nature: Through the Looking Glass.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities