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G. (Gabriela) Russo Lopes

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

  • Binnengasthuisstraat 46
  • Postbus 94554
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Cesar de Oliveira, S. E. M., Nakagawa, L., Russo Lopes, G., Visentin, J. C., Couto, M., Silva, D. E., d' Albertas, F., Pavani, B. F., Loyola, R., & West, C. (2024). The European Union and United Kingdom's deforestation-free supply chains regulations: Implications for Brazil. Ecological Economics, 217, Article 108053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.108053 [details]
    • de Castro, F., Brondizio, E., Futemma, C., de Theije, M. E. M., Russo Lopes, G., & Ramos de Moraes, A. (2024). Beyond “green markets” and local romanticisms for a locally grounded bioeconomy in Amazonia. One Earth, 7(11).
    • dos Reis, T. N. P., Bastos Lima, M. G., Russo Lopes, G., & Meyfroidt, P. (2024). Not all supply chains are created equal: The linkages between soy local trade relations and development outcomes in Brazil. World Development, 175, Article 106475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106475 [details]






    • Maia de Souza, D., Russo Lopes, G., Hansson, J., & Hansen, K. (2018). Ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: A synthesis of knowledge and recommendations for biofuels. Ecosystem Services, 30, 200-210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.02.014


    Prijs / subsidie

    • de Castro, F., McMichael, C. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Beyond the canopy: Spatial analysis of the anthropogenic forest and social-ecological function nexus in the Amazon.
    • de Castro, F., Hickey, C., Burgers, L., Fermeglia, M. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Rights of Nature: Through the Looking Glass.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Russo Lopes, G. (2019). In October, I became the co-chair of the Dutch PhD Forum on Latin America (OLA), organizing periodic peer review meetings among PhDs., OLA - PhD forum on Latin America .



    • de Castro, F. (speaker) & Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (10-6-2024). Pathways toward a grounded bioeconomy: Insights from sociobiodiversity value-chains in the Brazilian Amazon, Political Ecology Network Conference, Lund.
    • de Castro, F. (speaker) & Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (2024). Pathways toward a grounded bioeconomy: Insights from sociobiodiversity value-chains in the Brazilian Amazon, Political Economy Network Biannual Conference , Lund. https://cdn.brick.site/64876c6b2b18aca578ac0db0/original/Pollen24-detailed-program-Lund-1.pdf
    • Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) & Valladares Pasquel, C. (speaker) (12-2-2020). Commodities' extraction in the Amazon: Cooptation and mobilization strategies in Brazil.
    • Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (25-5-2019). Amazonian land-use and commodities chains, Amazon indigenous people, global agribusiness and authoritarian government, The Hague.


    • Londres, M. (other), Andersson, K. (other), Salk, C. (other), Tengo, M. (other), Brondizio, E. (other), Russo Lopes, G. (other), Siani, S. (other), Molina-Garzón, A. (other), Sonetti-Gonzales, T. (other), Razuri Montoya, D. (other), Futemma, C. (other), de Castro, F. (other) & Tourne, D. (other) (2024). Strengthening Place-Based Initiatives for Bottom-up Sustainable Development in the Amazon (other).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (24-9-2020). Political Ecology Network Biannual Conferences. At the POLLEN Conference, I presented my article entitled "Commodity versus conservation: Forest governance and development models in the Brazilian (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (21-5-2020). SLAS Annual Conference. At the SLAS Annual Conference, I introduced my fieldwork research in a presentation entitled "Forest conservation in the Brazilian Amazon: Hybrid (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (other) (2-2020). Blind reviewer (other).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (6-11-2019 - 9-11-2019). Conference on Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, Lisbon. I attended the conference to present my preliminary fieldwork findings to peer researchers from the field. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (11-10-2019). IASC World Commons Week, Utrecth. I have presented my preliminary fieldwork results in this occasion for feedback from peer researchers in the field. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (other) (15-6-2019 - 10-9-2019). Fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon (other).
    • Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (29-5-2019). Studying water as a transdisciplinary challenge, Delft. In this event, I have presented an earlier version of my PhD pilot study. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Russo Lopes, G. (2023). Forest-making in agrarian frontiers: Place-based transformative pathways toward sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • dos Reis, T. N. P., Guidotti de Faria, V., Russo Lopes, G., Sparovek, G., West, C., Rajão, R., Ferreira, M., Elvira, M. M. S. & do Valle, R. S. T. (2021). Additional dataset to Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac358d
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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • Independent consultancy
      Independent analysis (e.g., guest presentations, contribution to reports).