Candida (Rome, 1986) is associate professor at the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law. Before joining the UvA, she studied law at the University of Pisa and at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, also in Pisa, including an Erasmus period at Université Paul Cezanne- Aix-Marseille III (France).
Her PhD research (defended in 2020) investigated the evolution and justification of unfair terms control against the background of contractualisation of consumption and labour relationships. Her current research interests focus on three (connected) themes: how private law theory can facilitate the incorporation of sustainability in private law academic education; the contractual dimension of energy justice in the context of energy transitions and notions of value, preferences and needs in contract law theories.
Since 2021, Candida is a member of the Law Faculty's Works Council (intranet only). Candida's past administrative experiences include coordinating the cooperation among four Dutch law faculty in the ministry-funded research cluster "Transformative effects of Globalisation in Law" (2020), coordination of the LLM programme European Private Law (2016-2020), participation in several programme committees (PPLE 2016-2018, ALS international masters 2017-2020, incl chairperson in 2019-2020).
Consumer Rights in the Digital Single Market (LLM)
Research Training Seminar in European Private Law (LLM)
Consumentenrecht (Master Privaatrecht)
European Private Law and Inequality (LLB)
European Contract Law (LLM)
Principles of Private Law (Amsterdam University College)
Private law in International and European Context (LLM)
Principles of European Contract Law (BSc PPLE)
Contract law, consumer law and labour law, EU law, private law theory, sustainability, transitions