Antony, J., Sony, M., Jayaraman, R., Swarnakar, V., da Luz Tortorella, G., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Rathi, R., Gutierrez, L., McDermott, O., & Lameijer, B. A. (2024). Global perspectives on operational excellence: Unveiling critical failure factors and sustainable pathways. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 41(10), 2604-2626.[details]
Antony, J., Sony, M., Lameijer, B., Bhat, S., Jayaraman, R., & Guiterrez, L. (2024). Towards a design science research (DSR) methodology for operational excellence (OPEX) initiatives. The TQM Journal, 36(8), 2383-2397.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., de Mast, J., & Antony, J. (2024). How to publish operational excellence case studies in the International Journal of Lean Six Sigma: A viewpoint article. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 15(2), 469-478.
Lameijer, B. A., de Vries, E. S. L., Antony, J., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Sony, M. (2024). The implementation of Lean Six Sigma for the optimization of robotic process automation systems in financial service operations. Business Process Management Journal, 30(8), 232-259.
Siegel, R., Antony, J., Govindan, K., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Lameijer, B., & Samadhiya, A. (2024). A framework for the systematic implementation of Green-Lean and sustainability in SMEs. Production Planning & Control, 35(1), 71-89.[details]
Vashishth, A., Lameijer, B. A., Chakraborty, A., Antony, J., & Moormann, J. (2024). Implementing Lean Six Sigma in financial services: the effect of motivations, selected methods and challenges on LSS program- and organizational performance. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 41(2), 509-531.[details]
Antony, J., Sony, M., Kongar, E., Jayaraman, R., & Lameijer, B. A. (2023). Special Issue: Operational Excellence 4.0: Integrating OPEX methodologies with Industry 4.0 /digitalization for creating and sustaining competitive advantage. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Lameijer, B. A., Boer, H., Antony, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2023). Continuous improvement implementation models: a reconciliation and holistic metamodel. Production Planning & Control, 34(11), 1062-1081.[details]
Van Assen, M. F., & Lameijer, B. A. (2023). The service concept – a missing link in lean for services. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 34(15-16), 2027-2045.[details]
Gutierrez, L., Lameijer, B. A., Anand, G., Antony, J., & Sunder M, V. (2022). Beyond efficiency: the role of lean practices and cultures in developing dynamic capabilities microfoundations. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(13), 506-536.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Antony, J., Borgman, H. P., & Linderman, K. (2022). Process improvement project failure: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 13(1), 8-32. Advance online publication.[details]
de Mast, J., Lameijer, B. A., Linderman, K., & van de Ven, A. (2022). Exploring the process of management system implementation: a case of Six Sigma. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(13), 1-24. Advance online publication.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Antony, J., Chakraborty, A., Does, R. J. M. M., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2021). The role of organisational motivation and coordination in continuous improvement implementations: an empirical research of process improvement project success. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(13-14), 1633-1649.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Pereira, W., & Antony, J. (2021). The implementation of Lean Six Sigma for operational excellence in digital emerging technology organizations. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(9), 260-284.[details]
Lameijer, B., Pereira, W., & Antony, J. (2021). The implementation of Lean Six Sigma for operational excellence in digital emerging technology companies. In C. Laux, J. Anthony, S. O'Reilly, & J. Healy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma: June 23-23, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA Purdue University Press.
Siegel, R., Antony, J., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Cherrafi, A., & Lameijer, B. (2019). Integrated green lean approach and sustainability for SMEs: from literature review to a conceptual framework. Journal of cleaner production, 240, Article 118205. Advance online publication.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., de Mast, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2017). Lean Six Sigma deployment and maturity models: A critical review. Quality Management Journal, 24(4), 6-20.[details]
Kuiper, A., van de Hoef, R., Wesseling, M., Lameijer, B. A., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2016). Quality Quandaries: Improving a customer value stream at a financial service provider. Quality Engineering, 28(1), 155-163. Advance online publication.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2016). Inter-industry generic Lean Six Sigma project definitions. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 7(4), 369-393.[details]
Zwetsloot, I. M., Buitenhuis, M., Lameijer, B. A., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2015). Quality Quandaries: Increasing the first time fix rate in a customer contact center. Quality Engineering, 27(3), 393-400.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Zwetsloot, I. M., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2018). Discussion of “Quality and statistical thinking in a parliament and beyond”. Quality Engineering, 30(1), 27-33.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & Lameijer, B. A. (2021). Solution identification and deployment. In Statistical Engineering Handbook
Lameijer, B. A., Antony, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2019). Continuous Improvement Deployment Models: A Review and Propositions for Future Research. Abstract from Production and Operations Management Society, Washington, United States.
Lameijer, B. (speaker) (8-11-2022). Contemporary developments and their managerial implications in Higher Education, 6th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education.
Lameijer, B. (chair) (2-9-2024 - 3-9-2024). Seventh International Conference on Operational Excellence (OPEX) in Higher Education (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Lameijer, B. (participant) (25-4-2024 - 29-4-2024). 34th Annual POMS Conference (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Lameijer, B. (consultant) & Schoonhoven, M. (consultant) (2020). Director of the Institute of Business and Industrial Statistics (IBIS UvA) (consultancy).
Lameijer, B. (participant) (16-6-2019 - 17-6-2019). European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), Helsinki (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Lameijer, B. (participant) (2019). Production and Operations Management Society, Washington (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Lameijer, B. A. (2017). Implementing Lean Six Sigma in organizations. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. IBIS UvA. [details]
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