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Prof. dr. J. (John) Grin

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Kamernummer: B9.08
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • Profile

    On John Grin...

    I am a full professor of public policy and governance at the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. I am co-founder and steering group member of Seven, the UvA wide institute for transdisciplinary climate research. 

    The constant throughout my career has been an engaged fascination with the relationships between science, technology, society and politics. Now that the transition towards sustainable economies and societies is no longer merely an idea or a debate, a lot of the work I have been doing on its politics and governance has become profoundly topical and is being used in practice. I am co-leading a major NWO poject on the energy transition in underprivileged neighbourhoods, Just PREPARE. Also, I am working with VITO, Belgium to support ongoing transition programmes in Flanders. Other projects I am working on concern energy neutrality and circular economy in Amsterdam and sustainable water management in the polders surrounding Amsterdam.

    I am a member of the Versnellingsdialoog, the think tank of the Dutch National Climate Plarform, and independent chairman of the Platform for Renewable Fuels. More generally, I am providing advise on sustainability governance and politics to organizations and programmes in government, market and civil society. I am also frequently contributing to public debate. 

    In addition to system innovations and transitions, my research interests include policy analysis and design (including technology assessment), policy implementation, policy learning and novel modes of democratic governance. Empirically, much of my work focuses on agrifood, health care, and sustainable cities. I strongly believe that academic theory and method development, and the monitoring and advice of practice can inform and stimulate each other.

    A physicist by training (BSc, 1983; MSc, 1986), I obtained my PhD in 1990 at the VU University in Amsterdam on a thesis on technology assessment in the area of military technology and international security. I have worked on these issues for another two years at VU University and Princeton University. In 1992 I joined the University of Amsterdam.

    Between 2005 and 2010, I was co--director and co-founder of the Dutch Knowledge Network on System Innovations (KSI), specifically responsible for the KSI sub-programme on governancestudies, as well for its interface between research and practice. I have set up an in-home post-graduate training course for practitioners engaged in system innovation, which I am currently further developing for the projects I am involved in. From 2006-2009, I  was scientific director of the then Amsterdam School of Social science Research (ASSR, one of the predecessors of the AISSR), a strongly interdisciplinarily inclined community of political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists, and I was interim academic director of the AISSR between March 1 and September 1, 2022. From 2010-2022, I have been co-directing the Programme Group Transnational Configurations, Conflicts and Governance of the AISSR-  http://www.aissr.uva.nl/transnationalconfigurations) I chaired the UvA Political Science MA porgramme's Board of Examinations, 2014-2017.

    I am co-chair of AFES-PRESS, the society for Peace Research and European Security (seat: Mosbach, Germany) and member of the editorial council of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning.

    Earlier, I was co-founder (2009) and board member (2009-2012) of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network, a global association of transition scholars. Between 1990 and 2005, I was co-chair of the Study Group Alternative Security Policy (SAS, seat: Berlin). I have been member of the Ministerial Committee for Evaluating the Dutch Medical and Health Science Foundation Zon-MW's 2010-2015 activities (2016-17); Chief Science Officer for the Social Sciences at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food (2010-2012); Lead Partner Integration and Wellbeing of the Platforms 31's NICIS programme Knowledge for strong cities (2007-2014). I have also been member of NVAO educational review panels (visitatiecommissies) for the master Societal Transitions Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (2022); the Copernicus Institute (University of Utrecht, 2018); and programmes on public and business administration at the Dutch technical universities (2013). 

    Forthcoming and recent publications


    • John Grin (2020). 'Lage temperatuur warmte voorziening in Amsterdam systemisch beschouwd' in Ruben Geradts & Erik Smakman (red.) Visies vanuit de wetenschap op sturingsarrangementen voor Lage Temperatuur Warmte in Amsterdam. Gemeente Amsterdam.

    Recent publications

    • Fabian Dablander, Colin Hickey, Maria Sandberg, Carina Zell-Ziegler, John Grin (2025), Embracing sufficiency to accelerate the energy transition,
      Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 120, 103907, 
    • John Grin (2025), 9. Causation in Policy Science: Knowledge, Power, Meaning, Agency and Context. Chapter 9 (p. 238-251) in  Phyllis Illari, Federica Russo (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Causality and Causal Methods. London: Routledge. 
    • P. Refolo, D. Sacchini, B. Bloemen, J. Grin, I. Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, B. Hofmann, W. Oortwijn, C. Raimondi, L. Sampietro-Colom, L. Sandman, G.J. van der Wilt, A.G. Spagnolo (2023). ‘On the normativity of evidence – Lessons from philosophy of science and the “VALIDATE” project’  
      Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023; 27 (23): 11202-11210, https://doi-org.10.26355/eurrev_202312_3456
    • H.P. van Dokkum, A.M.C. Loeber, J. Grin (2023). ‘Understanding the role of government in sustainability transitions: A conceptual lens to analyse the Dutch gas quake case,’ Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 194, 122685, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122685
    • Van der Wilt, Gertjan, Bloemen, Bart, Grin, J., Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, Iñaki, Sampietro-Colom, Laura, Refolo, Pietro, Dario Sacchini, Bjørn Hofmann, Lars Sandman, Wija Oortwijn, (2022). Integrating Empirical Analysis and Normative Inquiry in Health Technology Assessment: The Values in Doing Assessments of Health Technologies Approach. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 38(1), E52. doi:10.1017/S0266462321001768
    • John Grin, Bart Bloemen, Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, Laura Sampietro-Colom, Pietro Refolo, Dario Sacchini, Bjørn Hofmann, Lars Sandman, Gert Jan van der Wilt, Wija Oortwijn. (2022). Learning and practicing more value-reflective, problem-setting Health Technology Assessment - Experiences and lessons from the VALIDATE project. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 1-19. doi:10.1017/S0266462322000204.
    • Pietro Refolo, Bart Bloemen, Barbara Corsano, John Grin, Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, Bjørn Hofmann, Wija Oortwijn, Laura Sampietro-Colom, Lars Sandman, Gert Jan van der Wilt, Dario Sacchini (2022). ‘Prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination. The added value of the “VALIDATE” approach,’ Health Policy, 36: 534-539. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2022.05.005.
    • Kristiaan P.W. Kok, Anne M.C. Loeber, John Grin (2021). Politics of complexity: Conceptualizing agency, power and powering in the transitional dynamics of complex adaptive systems,Research Policy, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2021,104183, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104183

    • John Grin (2021). 'Interpretive frames, judgement and action,' Chapter 3  (p. 40-60) in: Oortwijn, W., & Sampietro-Colom, L. (Eds.). (2021). The VALIDATE handbook: an approach on the integration of values in doing assessments of health technologies. Nijmegen: Radboud University Press, Nijmegen. DOI: 10.54195/CKHB1659 Open access version vailable from the VALIDATE website.

    • Henno van Dokkum, Ron Nap, Mike Duijn, John Grin (2020). Transities en water: samen betekenis geven aan complexiteit. Water Governance 3/2020, p. 6-12.
    • Peter Groot Koerkamp, Wouter-Jan Schouten, Loekie Schreefel, Niko Wojtynia, Alfons Beldman,Imke J.M. de Boer, Marjolijn de Boer, Bram Bos, Marjolein Derks, Jerry van Dijk, John Grin, Antoine Heideveld (2021). In: Barbosa, J. C., Silva, L.L., Lourenço, P., Sousa, A., Silva, J.R.,Cruz, V.F., ‘A Regenerative Agricultural System at Scale: an Outline of Required Outcomes for the Netherlands, ‘ in: Baptista, F., (Eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng2021. Évora, Universidade de Évora, pp. 476-483.
    • John Grin (2020) ‘Doing’ system innovations from within the heart of the regime, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, vol. 22, no., 5, p. 683-694. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2020.1776099
    • John Grin (2020). 'Democratie in Transitie.' Hoofdstuk 1 (p.14-25) in Anne Zeeuw (red.), #New Democracy. Amsterdam: Netwerk Democratie en Pakhuis De Zwijger.
    • Linda van de Kamp, Michaela Hordijk, John Grin, Gert-Joost Peek, Frank Alsema en Saskia Müller (2019). 'Participatie in circulaire gebiedsontwikkeling: over het creëren van vrije ruimtes door professionele stadmakers', Recht der Werkelijkheid, jrg 40, nr 2, p. 90-108.
    • John Grin (2019). 'Over transitiestudies en systeemverandering', Hoofdstuk 36 (p. 647-662) in Brechtje Kessener & Leike van Oss (red.) Systeemdenkers over organiseren en veranderen.  Utrecht: Lemma.
    • John Grin (2018)., ' Stasis and change.' Chapter 24 (p. 318-337) in: Hal Colebatch & Robert Hoppe (eds.) Handbook of the Policy, Process and Governing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar..
    • John Grin (2018). ' Missiegedreven beleid enwat we in 2019 zo graag hadden willen begrijpen',  p. 132-135 in: Arjen Lantheer,Frans van der Zee en Marcel de  Heide (2018). De Staat van Nederland Innovatieland, editie 2018: Missies en 'nieuw'  missiegedreven beleid. Den Haag: TNO Afdeling Strategie en Beleid. May be downloaded from www.tno.nl/nl/over-tno/nieuws/2018/11/missies-als-oplossing-voor-maatschappelijke-uitdagingen/  
    • Harry Lintsen, Frank Veraart, Jan Pieter Smits, John Grin, (2018). Well-being, Sustainability and Social Development : The Netherlands 1850-2050, Springer Publishers. Also available open access:
    • John Grin (2018), 'Van systemisch denken naar systemisch doen: de lange termijn impact van de Club van Rome', p. 62-65 in: Wouter van Dieren en Eric-Jan Tuininga (red.) Tijdrit met de Aarde 1968-2018 . Den Hasg:
    • Harry Lintsen, Jan-Pieter Smits, Frank Veraart, John Grin (2018). Doorgeschoten focus. Economische groei draagt steeds minder bij aan sociale welvaart. Ruimte+Wonen, jrg 2018, nr 3, p. 80-89. https://issuu.com/aeneas/docs/pdf_rw_3
    • Grin, J.; Hassink, J.; Karadzic, V.; Moors, E.H. M. (2018). Transformative Leadership and Contextual Change. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2159.. Open access journal (SCOPUS Impact Factor 2,025) , http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/7/2159/pdf
    • Harry Lintsen, Frank Veraart, Jan Pieter Smits, John Grin (2018). De kwetsbare welvaart van Nederland, 1850 – 2050.  Naar een circulaire economie. Amsterdam: Prometheus.
    • Flor Avelino, John Grin (2017). Beyond deconstruction. a reconstructive perspective on sustainability transition governance, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 22, p. 15-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2016.07.003
    • Jacqueline Broerse & John Grin (eds., 2017), Towards Systems Innovations in Health Systems. New York: Routledge.Including:
      • John Grin & Jacqueline Broerse, ‘Introduction: towards a transition perspective on challenges facing health systems’, p. 1-19;
      • Jacqueline Broerse & John Grin, ‘The future of healthcare systems: beyond the persistence of contemporary challenges’, p. 261-286.
    • John Grin, Niki Frantzeskaki, Vanessa Castán Broto and Lars Coenen (2017). ‘Sustainability Transitions and the City:  Linking to transition studies and looking forward ‘  chapter 22 (p. 359-367) in: Niki Frantzeskaki; Vanessa Castán--Broto; Lars Coenen (ed.), Urban Sustainability Transitions. New York & London: Routledge
  • Key Publications

    Selected publications (full list recent publications here)

    • Kristiaan P.W. Kok, Anne M.C. Loeber, John Grin (2021). Politics of complexity: Conceptualizing agency, power and powering in the transitional dynamics of complex adaptive systems,
      Research Policy, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2021,104183, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104183

    • John Grin (2021). 'Interpretive frames, judgement and action,' Chapter 3  (p. 40-60) in: Oortwijn, W., & Sampietro-Colom, L. (Eds.). (2021). The VALIDATE handbook: an approach on the integration of values in doing assessments of health technologies. DOI: 10.54195/CKHB1659 Available from: https://validatehta.eu/

    • Grin, J. (2020). ‘Doing’ system innovations from within the heart of the regime. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2020.1776099

    • Grin, J.; Hassink, J.; Karadzic, V.; Moors, E.H. M. (2018). Transformative Leadership and Contextual Change. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2159.. Open access journal (SCOPUS Impact Factor 2,025) , http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/7/2159/pdf

    • Lintsen, H., Veraart, F., Smits, J-P., & Grin, J. (2018). Well-being, Sustainability and Social Development: The Netherlands 1850–2050. Cham: SpringerOpen. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76696-6 [details]

    • Grin, J. (2018). Stasis and change. In H. K. Colebatch, & R. Hoppe (Eds.), Handbook on Policy, Process and Governing (pp. 418-437). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781784714871.00033 [details]

    • Flor Avelino, John Grin (2017). Beyond deconstruction. a reconstructive perspective on sustainability transition governance, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 22, p. 15-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2016.07.003

    • Avelino, F., Grin, J., Pel, B., & Jhagroe, S. (Eds.) (2016). The Politics of Transition. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18(5), 557-729.

    • Grin, J. (2016). Transition Studies: Basic Ideas and Analytical Approaches. In H. G. Brauch, Ú. Oswald Spring, J. Grin, & J. Scheffran (Eds.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace (pp. 105-121). (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace; Vol. 10). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43884-9_4 [details]

    • Jan Hassink, John Grin, Willem Hulsink (2016). "Identity formation and strategy development in overlapping institutional fields: Different entry & alignment strategies of regional organizations of care farms into the healthcare domain", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 29 Iss: 6, pp.973 - 993  http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-07-2015-0122

    • Karadzic, V., Antunes, P., & Grin, J. (2013). ‘How to learn to be adaptive?’ An analytical framework for organizational adaptivity and its application to a fish producers organization in Portugal. Journal of cleaner production, 45, 29-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.07.016 [details]

    • John Grin (2012) , 'Changing government, kitchens, supermarkets, firms and farms: the governance of transitions between societal practices and supply systems.' Chapter 2 (p. 35-56)in: Spaargaren, Gert, Anne Loeber, and Peter Oosterveer (eds.) (2012). Food Practices in Transition. Changing Food Consumption, Retail and Production in the Age of Reflexive Modernity. Routledge. Part III of the series on Transitions towards a Sustainable Development .

    • John Grin, 'The governance of transitions and its politics. Conceptual lessons from the earlier agricultural transition and implications for transition management'. Int. J. Sustainable Development,  Vol 15 (2012) Nos 1-2, p. 72-89.   (SCI 0,297)

    • Enza Lissandrello & John Grin (2011). ‘Reflexive planning as design and work: lessons from the Port of Amsterdam,’ Planning Theory and Practice, vol. 12 (no. 2), p. 223-248. (SCI 0,485)

    • John Grin, Johan Schot, Jan Rotmans (2011), ‘On patterns and agency in transition dynamics: Some key insights from the KSI programme.’ Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions vol. 1, no 1, p. 76-81.

    • Laurens K. Hessels, John Grin, Ruud E.H.M. Smits (2011). ‘The effects of changing institutional environment on academic research practices. Three cases from animal science,’ Science and Public Policy, vol 38, no. 7, p. 555-568  (SCI 1,211)

    • Adrian Smith, Jan-PeterVoß, John Grin &   (eds., 2010), Special Issue of Research Policy (vol. 39, no. 4; p. 435-510) on ' Innovation and Sustainability Transitions' Includes:  Adrian Smith, Jan-Peter Voß and John Grin (2010), ' Innovation studies and sustainability transitions: the allure of adopting a broad perspective, and itschallenges', Research Policy, vol. 39, p. 435-448 (SCI 2,789; JIF 2,27)

    • John Grin, Jan Rotmans, Johan Schot (2010). Transitions to Sustainable Development. NewDirections in the Study ofLong term Structural Change. New York : Routledge.   See www.sustainabilitytransitions.com   Paperback edition now available!!!

    • Jan-Peter Voß, John Grin & Adrian Smith (eds., 2009), Special Issue of Policy Sciences   (vol. 43, no. 4, p. 275-427) on Long Term Policy Design, including :

    • .                Voß, J-P., Smith, A., Grin, J. (2009). Designing long-term policy: rethinking transition management. Policy Sciences, vol. 43. no. 4, p. 275-302.  (SCI 0,97; JIF 0,727; 12/62)

    • Margriet Moret-Hartman, Gert Jan Van Der Wilt, John Grin (2009). ' Involving stakeholders in policy research should not imply that they control the problem definition: lessons from a case study on new analgesics', International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management , Vol., No. 6, p. 361-377. (SCI 0,371)

    • Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring , John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Heinz Krummenacher (Eds.): Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts . Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Securityand Peace, vol. 4 ( Berlin - Heidelberg - New York : Springer-Verlag, 2009).

    • Bos, Bram & JohnGrin (2008). '"Doing" Reflexive Modernization in Pig Husbandry: The Hard Work of Changing the Course of a River ', Science, Technology & Human Values , vol. 33, no 4, p. 480-507. (SCI 1,768; JIF 1,926; 2/35)

    • John Grin (2008). ' The Multi-Level Perspective and the design of system innovations',   chapter 3 ( p. 47-80)   in: J.C.J.M. van den Bergh & F. Bruinsma (eds. in association with R. Vreeker & A. Idenburg), Managing the transition to renewable energy: theory and macro-regional practice . Cheltenham , UK : Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Carolyn M. Hendriks & John Grin, 'ContextualisingReflexive Governance: The politics of Dutch transitions to sustainability', Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning , vol. 9   (2007) nos. 3-4, p. 333-350.  (SCI 1,351)

    • John Grin   & Anne Loeber (2007). 'Theories of Policy Learning: Agency, Structure and Change', chapter 15 (p. 201-219) in: Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller, Mara S. Sidney (eds.), Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. Theory, Politics, and Methods . CRCPress-Taylor & Francis Group.

    • John Grin & Arienne van Staveren (2007). Werken aan systeeminnovaties. Assen: van Gorcum.

    • Rob Reuzel, John Grin & Tjitske Akkerman (2007). ' Shaping power, trust and deliberation: The role of the evaluator in an interactive evaluation of cochlear implantation', Int. J. Foresight & Innovation Policy, vol. 3 no. 1, p. 76-94. (SCI 0,371)

    • John Grin (2006). Reflexive modernization as a governance issue - or: designing and shaping Re- structuration, p. 54-81 in: Voß,Jan-Peter; Bauknecht, Dierk; Kemp, René (eds.), ReflexiveGovernancefor Sustainable Development . Cheltenham : EdwardElgar.

    • John Grin (2004). 'Health technology assessment between our health care system and our health. Exploring the potential of reflexive TA,' Poiesis & Praxis vol. 2 no. 2-3, p. 157-174.

    • John Grin, Francisca Felix, Bram Bos & Sierk Spoelstra (2004). 'Practices for reflexive design: lessons from a Dutch programme on sustainable agriculture.' Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy , vol. 1, no. 1-2, p. 126-149. (SCI 0,371)

    • Rob Hoppe & John Grin (2000). 'Traffic goes through the TA machine: A culturalist comparison, chapter 10 (p. 273-324) in Norman J. Vig & Herbert Passchen (eds.), Parliaments and Technology: the Developmentof Technology Assessment in Europe . SUNY Press, New York .

    • John Grin & Armin Grunwald (eds.). Vision Assessment: Shaping Technology in 21st century society. Towards a repertoire for Technology Assessment. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg etc., 2000. [Reihe Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung (Hrsg. Caarl Friedrich Gethmann), Band 4.] Including :

    •                John Grin, ' Vision assessment to support shaping 21st century society? Technology assessment as a tool for political judgement,' p. 9-30.

    • .                John Grin, 'Bloodless war or bloody non-sense? Technology assessment's role in uncovering old propositions behind newairpower concepts,' p. 71-96.

    • Henk vande Graaf & John Grin,' Policy Instruments, pratiques réflichés et apprentisage. Implications pour la gouvernabilité à long terme et la démocratie,' Espaces et Sociétés , no. 97-98 (1999), p. 63-90.

    • Rob Hoppe & John Grin (1999), 'Pollution through traffic and transport: The praxis of cultural pluralism in parliamentarian technology assessment,' chapter 10 (p. 154-169) in: Michael Thompson, Gunnar Grendstad & Per Sell (eds.) Cultural Theory as Political Science. Routledge/ECPR Studies in Political Science.

    • John Grin & Henk van de Graaf (1996). 'Implementation as communicative action. An interpretive understanding of interactions between policy actors and targetgroups,' Policy Sciences vol. 29, no. 4, p. 291-319 (SCI 0,97; JIF 0,727; 12/62)

    • John Grin & Rob Hoppe (1995). 'Toward a Comparative Framework for Lear-ning from Experiences with Interactive Technology Assessment', In-dustrial and En-vironmental Crisis Quarterly vol. 9 (1995) no. 1, p. 99-120.

    • John Grin & Henk vande Graaf. Technology Assessment as learning', Science, Technology and Human Values , vol. 20 (1996), no. 1, p. 72-99 (SCI 1,768; JIF 1,926; 2/35)

    • Wim A. Smit, John Grin & Lev Voronkov (eds.), Military-tech-nological innovation and stability in a chan-ging world. Politically assessing and influencing weapon innovation and military research and development, VU Univer-sity Press, Amsterdam , 1992.

    • John Grin (1990), Military-technological choices and political implications. Command and control in established NATO posture and a non-provocative defence, VU University Press/St. Martin's Press, Amsterdam / New York (dissertation).

  • PhD candidates

    Currently I am (co-)supervising...

    Charissa Leiwakabessy, Involving residents in planning and governance of the energy transition in underprivileged neighbourhoods (Funded by NWO, as part of Just Prepare Project, co-supervisors dr Imra Verhoeven & dr Stan Majoor)

    Marie Morel, Naar een succesvolle verbinding van participatie en uitvoering in de lokale energietransitie (external PhD candidate, Sioo RAAK funded, co-supervisors dr Imrat Vrhoeven & dr Stan Majoor)

    Jelle van Aanholt, Lost in translation? Behind the scenes of participation in urban development (external PhD candidate, NWO funded)

    Anne Kervers, Money Creation and Climate Change (NWO funded; co-supervisors dr Paul Raeksted & dr Jens van t Klooster)

    Selina Abraham, Reflexive design of urban infrastructure and public space for sustainability. Funded by Transitie & Gedrag Programme, NWO, co-supervisor dr Michaela Hordijk.

    Anne Sastromedjo, De ontwikkeling van het bestuurlijk stelsel van Amsterdam. (external PhD candidate from Municipality of Amsterdam; co-supervisor dr Imrat Verhoeven)

    Henno van Dokkum, Transforming water management in a changing world (external PhD candidate from Waterschap Delfland; co-supervisor dr Anne Loeber)

    Joachim Meerkerk,  Governance of the dynamics of urban consumption spaces - towards a new commons? (part of the Siaa-Raak sponsored project 'Dynamiek van stedelijke consumptieruimten, run by dr Stan Majoor (lector at Amsterdam College of Applied Science, HvA; co-supervisors dr Julie Ferguson & dr Stan Majoor)

    Martien Kuitenbrouwer. Dealing with intractable urban problems: novel practices of governance and conflict resolution. Co-promotor: dr Anne Loeber (exterrnal PhD candidate, independent consultant)


    Defended dissertations which I (co-)supervised

    University of Amsterdam

    Barbara Koole, Trust for Change (part of the Horizon2020 sponsored DIVERSImpact programme). Co-supervisor: dr Anne Loeber. May 10, 2023

    Michael Ozzie Thomas Zehner, Instrumental ignorance. Questioning scientific ecologies of existential non-knowledge in green tech innovation, sustainability research, renewable energy development, and the human expansionist episteme. Co-promotor dr Chunglin Kwa. April 12, 2023


    Joshua Cohen, Researching for the public: Public experimentation with institutional entrepreneurial collectives to open up the research and innovation system from within' (part of the Horizon2020 sponsored NewHoRRIzon project; co-supervisor dr Anne Loeber), Sept 28, 2022.

    Robert Duiveman, Knowledge development in between science, practice and policy. Lessons from the NICIS programme on urban dynamics (co-funded by NICIS; co-supervisor dr. Henk Wagenaar. December 8, 2021.

    Leen Dresen, Op weg naar nationale natuur: natuurjournalistiek in Nederland, 1850-1910. March 13, 2020. Co-promotor: dr. Chunglin Kwa.

    Amy-Jane Gielen , Cutting through Complexity. Evaluating Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). January 31, 2020. Co-promotor dr Floris Vermeulen.

    Agnese Cretella. Between Promise and Practice. Exploring the politics of urban food strategies in European cities. May 14, 2019. Co-promotor: dr Anne Loeber.

    Andrew Switzer, Transitioning the Transport and Land-Use System (funded by NWO Programme Duurzame Bereikbaarheid van de Randstad, first promotor prof. dr. Luca Bertolini, AISSR Programme Group Planning, Institutions and Transforming Spaces. (January 19, 2019)

    Jan Hassink, Understanding care farming as a swiftly developing sector in the Netherlands. (co-promotor dr. W. Hulsink), Erasmus University, Rotterdam)  (September 2017).

    Jesse Hoffman, Power in energy transition initiatives (co-promotor dr Anne Loeber; December 2016)

    Francisca Grommé, Governance by Pilot Projects: Experimenting with Surveillance in Dutch Crime Control. (University of Amsterdam; second promotor prof. dr Amâde M'charek, October  2015).

    Tjerk-Jan Schuitmaker, Persistent problems in the current health care system: Understanding their roots and exploring potential governance strategies, (ASSR funded; co-supervisor dr. Amâde M 'charek, 2013) .

    Sjef Orbons, Non-lethal weapons: a political assessment, (external candidate, employed by Netherlands Defence Academy, 2012)

    Marlous Blankesteijn, Tussen wetten en weten. De rol van kennis in waterbeheer in transitie. (Amsterdam: Boom). University of Amsterdam, funded by Bsik programme KSI; co-supervisor: dr. Chunglin Kwa, 2011)

    Victor Toom, Dragers van Waarheid. Normatieve Aspecten van Twintig Jaar Forensisch DNA-onderzoek in Nederland (Carriers of Truth. Normative Aspects of Twenty Years of Forensic DNA Research in the Netherlands) , University of Amsterdam, funded by NWO, co-supervisor dr. Amâde M 'charek, 2011

    Jan van de Beek , Kennis, Macht en Moraal:De productie van wetenschappelijke kennis over de economische gevolgen van migratie naar Nederland, 1965-2005 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010).    University of Amsterdam, funded by ASSR, co-supervisor prof. dr. Jan Rath.

    Anne Loeber, Practical wisdom in Risk Society. Methods and practice of interpretive analysis on questions of sustainable development ,University of Amsterdam , funded by Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. University of Amsterdam, 2004. first promoter: prof. dr. Rob Hoppe.

    Mei Li Vos, International cooperation between politics and practice: how Dutch Indonesian cooperation changed remarkably little after a diplomatic rupture . University of Amsterdam, 2001, promotor prof. dr. Rob Hoppe

    Rinie van Est, Winds of Change. A Comparative Study of the Politics of Wind Energy Innovation in California and Denmark , University of Amsterdam , 1999, co-promotor; promotor prof. dr. Rob Hoppe

    Jan Eberg, Waste Policy and Learning: Policy Dynamics of Waste Management and Waste Incineration in the Netherlands and Bavaria . Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon. University of Amsterdam, 1999, co-promotor; promotor prof. dr. Rob Hoppe ( cum laude)


    ..... and elsewhere:

    Vanja Karadzic, Transition towards a sustainable fishery in Portugal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); second promotor, first promoter: prof. dr. Paula Antunes, July 2014)

    Erik Paredis, Transition management and its potential as long-term policy for sustainable development (second promotor, University of Ghent , Belgium, first  promotor prof dr. Dries Lesage; co-promotor dr. Thomas Block, 2013)

    Patrick Huntjens, The role of adaptive and integrated water management in developing climate change adaptation strategies to deal with floods and droughts - A comparative analysis of eight sub basins in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Universität von Osnabrück, Germany; second promoter; first promotor: prof. dr. Claudia Pahl-Wostl (summa cum laude, 2011).

    Laurens Hessels , Science and the Struggle for Relevance, Utrecht University, funded by Bsik Programme KSI, first promotors: prof. dr. Ruud Smits and prof dr.Harro van Lente, 2010.

    Margriet Moret-Hartman (2008), Problem structuring in Health Technology Assessment. An argumentative approach to improve its usefulness. Radboud University, Nijmegen. First promotor: prof. Dr. G. van der Wilt, (RUN); co-promotor dr. R. Reuzel (RUN)


  • Public Activities

    Selected public activities:

    Current external committees:

    • Chair, NWO Programme Committee Maatschappelijke Aspecten van de Energietransitie (since July, 2022).
    • Member, Advisory Committee on the programme on long-term storage of nuclear waste (Begeleidingscommissie programma Advies Besluitvormingsproces Toekomst Radioactief Afval), Rathenau Instituut, 2021-2026
    • Member, Scientific Board Netherlands Energy Research Alliance (NERA. since 2020)

    June 22, 2023 Master Challenge Duurzame Stad, Amsterdam Vastgoed Academie (ASRE)

    April-July  2023: external Scientific Assessor (with dr Bram Bos, WUR) for Standing Committee of Agriculture of Dutch Parliament.

    March 23, Interview met Sija van den Beukel, 'Wat betekent de winst van BBB voor het klimaatbeleid in Nederland?', Folia.

    March 23, 2023, Masterclass Systeen Innioavties in de Leergang De Duurzame Stad, UvA Academie.

    November 24, 2022. Brede Welvaart en stedelijke systeeminnovcaties. Eerste bijeenkomst Breed Strategienetwerk Directie Verkeer & Openbare Ruimte,  Gemeente Amsterdam

    November 11, 2022: Voordracht Systeeminnovaties: nieiuw problemen, nieuwe methoden van planvorming en governance-arangementen tijdens de eerste bijeenkomst van het Brede Strategienetwerk van de Directie Verkeer en Openbare Ruimte, Gemeente Amsterdam

    Nov 3, 2022: Inleiding 'Meervoudige waardecreatie rond ondergrondse infrastructuur: rationale en governance implicaties, bij CROW, kennisinstituut tbv lagere overheden voor infrastructuur, openbare ruimte, verkeer en vervoer, en werk en veiligheid

    August 31, 2022 Inleiding en reflectant bij een werksessie van het Bestuur van het waterschap Amstel Gooi & Vecht.

    Agust 10, 2022, interview met Tom Kieft, 'Europa in de problemen door ‘ergste droogte ooit’: oogsten en energieproductie in gevaar,' Parool

    June 26, 2022: Brede welvaart en de urgentie en aard van transisities - Inleidend hoorcollege Masterclass Omdenken voor Systeeminnovaties, Amsterdam, Real Estate Academy (ASRE)
    May 20, 2022: Masterclass Ontwerpend samenwerken voor een duurzame stad - Leergang De Duurzame Stad, UvA Academy

    Member Programme Committee NWO-NWA Programma Safety assessment through animal-free methods (Spring 2022).
    February 4, 2022: Systeemdenken en -doen, Voordracht Andragologiekring UvA.

    July 2, 2021. Guest presenter ‘Dierproeven voorbij? Een transitieperspectief’ at a meeting of the Dutch National Committee on animal testing

    June 17, 2021. Two lectures at the Masrterclass Samenwerken aan de Duurzame Stad, Amsterdam School for Real Estate

    May 18, 2021: Speaker and discussant at STOWA Annual Afvalwatersymposium ‘Gestapelde Opgaven’

    May 2021, Double interview with professors Ellen van Bueren and John Grin on Ten Years of Citmaking at Binckhorst. Platform STAD.


    Jan/Feb 2021: Chairman / rapporteur for an ad hoc committee on a European Trading System for CO2 in the mobility sector, for Ministry of Infrastructure and Envionment.

    December 10, 2020. Chairing a seminar organized by Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen on Plan-B for meeting climate gas reduction objctives in the mobility sector, https://platformduurzamebiobrandstoffen.nl/infotheek-item/lunchtalk-plan-brandstoffen/

    December, 2,2020. Interview with the online magazine of the Centre of Expertise for the Dutch Food Industry, EVMI, included in Naomi Heidinga, 'Duurzaam wordt bedrijfsstrategie' at https://www.evmi.nl/artikelen/duurzaam-wordt-bedrijfsstrategie

    November 19, disussant during a session on ' Aquathermie: het nieuwe alternatief voor aardgas', Pakhuis de Zwijger, 19 november. Discussion (in Dutch) accessible through https://dezwijger.nl/programma/aquathermie-het-nieuwe-alternatief-voor-aardgas

    July 17, Chairing a meeting organized by Platform 31 on the rationale for and development strategies for a knowledge structiure for low local and regional governance.

    January 20, 2020. Panel member on lessons from 40 meetings on #New Democracy, Pakhuis De Zwijger.

    November 19, 2019. Introductory lecture on biofuel and bio-based feedstock, in a debate on biomass, Pakhuis de Zwijger.

    October 20, Panel member at a seminar on the Future of Plastoics. orgsanized by the Dutch Polymer Institute

    September 20, 2019, presentation (with Barbara Koole and Kevin Morel) of a paper on competition and innovationat the European Conference on Crop Diversification, Budapest, 19-21 September

    September 9, 2019. Working on transitions from within the regime. Workshop of the Scientific Boardof the J of Environmental Policy and Planning, Berlin.

    June 12, 2019. Expert contribution to D bloemrijke Teokomst, on sustainable floriculture , Pakhuis De Zwijger.in collaboration with Het Groene Brein.

    June 3, 2019. Workshop (with Barbara Koole) on Deepenig comeptentence on Reflexive Design for Diversification. DiverIMPACTS Annual Meeting, Jine 3-5, Anvar, Sweden

    May 22, 2019. Panel on Common Europe? Pakhuis De Zwijger.

    May 13, 2019. Lecture ' Towards a circular economy'  during the Behind the Scenes Day of the Association of the Dutch Chemical Indistry, The Hague

    April 17, 2019.  Technical briefing  (with professors Katrien Termeer & Jan Rotmans)  of the Dutch Parliament;s Committee on Agriculture, Food and Nature on the promotion of a transition towards Regenerative Agriculture (' kringlooplandbouw')

    February, 20, 2019:  ‘Toen ik bij de klimaattafels zat, dacht ik: dit gaat mis’, Interview Folia, https://www.folia.nl/wetenschap/127158/toen-ik-bij-de-klimaattafels-zat-dacht-ik-dit-gaat-mis

    December 12, 2019. Article 'Het probleem is niet dat groene elites het debat domineren', Trouw, Opiniepagina.

    December 10, 2018. Public Lecture on Dealing with Divergent Interests and Moderator of a Debate on Physical Planning in Muiden, with political stakeholders and developers. Organized by Amsterdam School on Real Estate

    November 27, Chair of the Public Seminar ‘Clear and effective policies for low-carbon transport’, organized by the Platform Duurzame Biobraqndstoffen. Amsterdam, Artis.

    November 21, Moderator of a panel on World Food Security at the Industrieel Grote Club, Amsterdam.

    November 6, 2018: De onderwereld. Session on ia Circuar Amsterdam through sub-surface infrastructure. Pakhuis De Zwijger. With Lidwien Beeselink (Municipality of Amsterdam, Rob Ververs (Waternet), Huibert Baud (Alliander), Henk van den Berg (VNG) and others.

    October 17, Reflection on Outcome of Day 1 of the Workshop“Mobilising Sustainable biomass chains for the Dutch context” 16/17-Oct-2018, Springhouse, Amsterdam.

    October 19, 2018. Lecture 'Circular Chemistry'. Behind the scenes - Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day 2018. Van ;tr Hoff Institute, UvA / VNCI.  Amsterdam

    September 25, 2018, ' Welke veranderingsstrategie?'. Voordracht in het kader van de capita selecta over de transitie en  decentraliaties in de zorg, Alumnikring Andragologie te Amsterdam.

    September, 20, 2018: Panellid disucssie over biobrandstoffen, Pakhuis De Zwijger.

    August, 2018: ' De Kwetsbare welvaart van Nederland. We moeten de pijn nu aangaan.'  Interview (door Igor Znidarsic) in Chemie Magazine jrg 2018 nr 7-8, p. 34-37.

    July, 7, 2018 de Volkskrant - Economie. Van het aardgas af met aardgas?

    June 25, Lecture at a session Twards a New Food System, 2nd CSDS Conference: Critical Perspectives on Governance by Sustainable Development Goals: Water, Food and Climate. Amsterdam

    June 25, Introduction at a workshop on Circular Chemistry at the 100th Anniversary of the Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry

    June 23, 2018: co-organizating a meeting with dwellers and shop-owners on energy-neutrality in the mounumentale Negen Straatjes, onderdeel van het We make the city Festival

    June 12, 2018: Lecture Naar een circulaire economie: lessen en kansen uit de voorgeschiedenis. Directie Algemebne Economische Politiek, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat.

    May 27, 2018: 20-8 colloquim (with prof. Ellen Moors)  on 'Transformative leadership: Adapting organizations-in-context', Copernicus Institute Utrecht University.  

    April 4, 2018: presentation of our book Kwetsbare Welvaart during symposium at Prometheus Publishers

    March 27, 2018: Background article in Trouw / Verdieping (p. 11-12) with interview on my co-authored book Kwestbare Welvaart https://www.trouw.nl/groen/hoe-nederland-zijn-welzijn-opofferde-aan-welvaart~af7ecdbb/   Reviews in Eindhovens dagblad (March 27); at itnijs.frl (in Frysian, March 27); MaXVandaag (March28); NederlandsDagblad (April 6) 

    November 3, 2017: Organisator en gespreksleider Toekomst van circulaire gebiedsontwikkeling.Over de instrumenten en governance structuren die co-creatie mogelijk maken, bijeenkomst 23 in de reeks #NewDemocracy in Pakhuis de Zwijger.

    October 13, 2017: voorzitter Symposium Duurzame biobrandstoffen als belangrijke optie in fossielvrij transport’ , Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.

    September 18, panellid bij The Common Good Economy. On a radical re-design of our economy based on human dignity, solidarity, sustainability, justice and democracy. Bijeenkomst 22 in de reeks #NewDemocracy in Pakhuis de Zwijger.

    July, 20, 2017: interview included in an article 'Een klimaatminister in Rutte-III', by Maaike van Houten, Trouw newspaper.

    July 12, 2017: Transformation of democratic urban governance. Contribution to a practitioner’s Lab at the XVI Biennial IASC Conference ‘Practicing the commons: self-governance, cooperation, and institutional change’, Utrecht.

    June 28, 2017: Biofuels: rationale and choices, presentation at Seminar 'Duurzaam Transport: zo kan het!', Amersfoort, Netherlands.

    June, 21, 2017: ‘Transformative leadership and contextual change’ (with prof. Ellen Moors)  at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2017, Götheborg, Sweden.

    June 16, 2017:  Organisation (with Linda van der Kamp) and facilitation at a LabGov Experiment, De Binckhorst Circular Dwelling Area, Amsterdam

    June 1, 2017: Übergang  zur nachhältige Entwicklung als transnationale Herausfordung, Town Hall, Mosbach, Germany

    May 16, 2017: keynote during a debate on Circular Economy in the Port of Amsterdam, Pakhuis De Zwijger,  Amsterdam

    May 15, 2017: panel discussion with Bas van Bavel, Ewald Engelen and Eef Sprong on Van Bavle’s book ‘The invisible hand?, Pakhuis De Zwijger,  Amsterdam.

    April 24, 2017. ‘Hoogleraren: zet alles op alles voor een groene economie’. Article in Trouw newspaper on open letter with advice for a new government.

    March 11, 2017, Lezing en workshop  ‘Inspiratie, creativiteit en de voorwaarden waaronder hogbegaagfd talent tot bloei komt’,  Symposium “15 jaar Hoogbegaafden aan het Werk”, Planetarium Amsterdam

    March 7, 2017: Organisation. presentation and facilitation (with Michaela Hordijk) at a LabGov Experiment, Buiksloterham Circular Dwelling Area, Amsterdam.

    December, 2016: installed as member of  the ministerial evaluation commission ZON-mW .

    October 5, 2016: 'D100 #89: Erkenning voor de ondersteuner', Interview met Trouw naar aanleiding van mijn verkiezing tot nummer 89 van Trouw's Duurzame Top 100.

    June 25, 2016: 'Democratization '16'' , Opening expect lecture during a workshop on new avenues of action on democratic innovation of political party D66, at the occasion of its 50th anniversary

    May 20, 2016: Lecture on the Novel  Spatial Vision of the Province of Zuid Holland, Province ZH Office, The Hague.

    April 7: co-organized and chaired an public meeting on The politics of Urban Living Labs with prof. dr Harriet Bulkeley in Pakhuis De Zwijger.

    February 22, Open Lecture on Transitions, Power and Democracy at the Amsterdam University College.

    February 9, 2016: panel member during a public meeting on Democracy in a world without oil in Pakhuis De Zwijger.

    February 3, 2016: Colloquium on Reflexive Design for Transitions at the Department of Technology and Society Studies, Maastricht University.

    January 20, 2016: Keynote lecture on Democratic Renewal seen from a transition perspective, Pakhuis De Zwijger, first meeting in a series on New Democracy.


    November 23, Open brief (met Jan Rotmans en 62 andere hoogleraren) met pleidooi vor sluiten alle kolencentrales in Nederland. Gepubliceerd in Triwu,m aandavcht in tal van andere media, waaronder NOS-journaal

    November 8, Lecture 'Inspiratie, tegenslag en creativiteit', Mensa Fonds Award 2015 meeting, Leiden

    October, 28, Lectiure 'The Governance of Responsible Research and Innovation' at the Farewell Symposium 'Responsible Research and Innovation' for prof. dr Rob Hoppe, Twente University

    September, 29. 'Governance for new business models'. VITO, Mons - Belgium

    September, 18. 'Design and system innovations:from critique and constraints to co-creation?', keynote at the Symposium Can deisgn change society? - projekt Bauhaus, Berlin. 
    August, 25, ‘The intellectual origins and early development of  transition studies’ (6th Int. Sustainability Transitions Conference, Sussex University, Brighton

    June 25: Het Energieakkoord en de democratie. Keynote op Duitch Energy Day 2015, georganiseerd door Energeia.

    June 18: Interview ogenomen in Remy Koens, Jarl Van der Ploeg 'Raketten, mede dankzij geld van Aegon ', de Volkskrant

    May, 28: Field Lab Nieuw-West: experimenteren vaart ontwikkelen.

    January 25: Planning for Sustainability in Zuid Holland. Provionce of Zuid Holland,

    January, 15: Ervaringen van pioniers in natuur-inclusieve landbouw: lessen voor de Overheid. Workshop onder auspicine van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken

    January 8: Masterclass Working for Sustainable Agricuture at the HAS College for Porfessional Education, Den Bosch.


    October 8:''Groen' redt ons uit de crisis', Financieel Dagblad . Mede-ondertekenaar, met vijftig hoogleraren, 150 bedrijven en 12 milieu-organisaties. Cf http://www.degroenezaak.com/upload/documents/FD-20121008-brief%20FD.pdf

    August 31: Paper 'Exploring transition dynamics at the level of society as a whole: lessons from 19th century Amsterdam ' at the Third International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Kopenhagen, August 29-31

    September 10 and 12: Two contributions through Skype to workshop ' Towards a Fourth Sustainability Revolution and Sustainable Peace:. Visions and Strategies for Long Term Transformative Change to Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, ' Morelos , Mexico .

    June 28, Presenter and panelist at Workshop Cooperation for a Green Transformation , organized by Center for Global Cooperation Research , Duisburg, Germany
    June 21, introduction on usable knowledge production, Advisory Council of Radboud Hospital, Nijmegen. June 14, discussant during a meeting on sustainable transition of the Duurzaamheidsoverleg Politieke Partijen, Utrecht .

    June 11, presentation at Network Meeting Sustainability in Higher Education, UvA/HvA

    April 19, Discussant Meeting on Interactive Knowledge Production, ZONmw Programma Gezondheidsonderzoek, Utrecht.

    April 6, (met Jan Rotmans & Johan Schot), 'Maak duurzaamheid kern van beleid',  Friesch Dagblad .

    March 30, 'Beginstand: wat weten we nu (nog niet)?', column op het Boekenbal n.a.v. het verschijnen van drie nieuwe delen in de Routledge Series on Sustainability Transition ( www.sustainabilitytransitions.com ). Eindhoven .

    March 21-22, Participant /presenter during Workshop Participation, politics and actor dynamic inlow carbon energy transitions, University of East Anglia , Norwich .

    February 16, 2012. 'Sterke steden anno 2012: Opmaken voor een omwenteling?' Voordracht tijdens de sessie 'Decentralisaties in het sociale domein', op het Festival der Bestuurskunde, Rotterdam.

    December, 21, 2011. 'Plan-Borsele II is te wankel', artikel van 69 hoogleraren in NRC Handelsblad , 21 december 2011.

    November 17, Interview, opgenomen in Janne Chaudron, 'Duurzaamheid komtvan doeners, en niet meer van vergadertijgers', Trouw.

    November 11, Lid panel (met Paul Doop, Roland Waardenburg en Loulou van Ravensteijn) tijdens Duurzame toekomst: hoe zetten we wensen om in duurzaam beleid.

    October 20, 'De rol van de overheid intransities: mogelijkheden voor nu', inleiding op het symposium 'De toekomst van transitiesturing', geirganiseerd dor de Vereniging voor milieuprofessionals, sectie Innovatie en Maatschappelijke Systemen,Utrecht.

    October 11, 'From institutionalized design towards designing institutions', lecture atthe seminar Minisymposium 'Kentering en toekomst van het veehouderijonderzoek', Animal Sciences Group-WUR, Lelystad

    June 30, 2011. "Theorising energy transitions: what we know, and what we don't know". Lecture at the first Seminar ( Exploring Transitions: towards a research agenda) at the ESCR Seminar series on Sustainability Transitions. University of Liverpool . UK .    

    June 17, 2011. "Technology Assessment in Late Modernity," lecture at Future of Science and Technology in Society in Honour of Arie Rip

    June 14, 2011. " Towards a novel mode of transition governance in Dutch agriculture? Lessons from recent experiences." Paper presented at the session Transition to sustainable agriculture in Japan and Central European countries , organized by Hideaki Shiroyama and John Grin at the 2 nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions - Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transition research, June 13-15, 2011, Lund , Sweden .

    June 9, 2011. Panel member at a Symposium on 'Sturen zondergeld' organized by Interproviciaal Overleg and Leren voor   Duurzame Ontwikkeling. The Hague .

    June 9, 2011. "Learning from the projects: implications for urban governance." Opening remarks at the Seminar on Challenges of Urban Governance. Organized by NICIS, The Hague March 3, 2011, Grethe van Geffen & John Grin. "Arabische lente kwam niet als 'verrassing.' Buitenlands beleid   was beter voorbereid als tegenspraak niet onmiddellijk was weggehoond. NRC Handelsblad

    February, 9, 2011, 'Telecare for specific client groups: lessons from an experiment by Cordaan', Final Conference Project Zorg op Afstand: bestaande techniek voor nieuwe groepen', organized by Cordaan, Rode Hoed, Amsterdam

    December 11, 2010. Interview, included in Evert Nieuwenhuis, 'Het groenevergezicht - duurzame energie nog ver weg', Vrij Nederland , p. 28-33.

    December 4, 2010. Co-signer (with Wubbo Ockels, Jan Rotmans and ten other professors) of an essay on coal plants' impact on sustainable innovations, that drew wide attention from TV and newspapers.

    November 23, 2010, 'Reflexive design: rationale, approach, institutional aspects, examples ', keynote address at the workshop Researching the transition towards a low carbon society, organized by the Aston Center for Critical Infrastructure & Servioces,Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

    November 17, 2010. Transitions to a sustainable society: a governance perspective. Systemwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 17 noember 2010, Institut für Umweltsystemforschung , Universität Osnabrück.

    November 11, 2010. Breakfast addressto the participants in the Sustainability Tour Noord-Holland at Sustainability Day 2010.

    September, 28, 2010. Workshop 2 -zorg weer mensenwerk makenat the Sigra Visieconferentie 2010: de arbeidsmarkt in 2025.Zorgvoor de TKMST. 

    August 31, Sustainable development in the Amsterdam Port. Seminar, University of Tokyo

    August 30, 2010, 'TA in the context of transition management', Lecture at the Public Symposium "Practices of Technology Assessment (TA) and Issues for the Institutionalization of TA in Japan.Tokyo.

    June 4, Jan Rotmans, John Grin, Johan Schot, 'De groene economie past bij ons', de Volkskrant , p. 21.

    June 3-4, Co-organizer and speaker at Final Conference of the Knowledge Network System innovations and transitions, ss Rotterdam .

    May 18, Debate organized by KSI in co-operationwith Royal Academy of Sciences on our recent book John Grin, Jan Rotmans, Johan Schot (2010). Transitions to Sustainable Development. New Directions in the Study of Longterm Structural Change . New York : Routledge. Cf. www.aissr.uva.nl April 20.

    Lead interview in Kien-Nieuwsbrief Directie Kennis en Innovatie, Ministerie van LNV. http://venik.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/lnv_kien5_nieuwsbrief_web.pdf

    April 9. 'Between governments, kitchens, firms and farms: the governance of transitions between societal practices and supply systems', Session Transition Governance at the 14 th Annual Conference of the International Research Society onPublic Management, Bern, Switzerland, April 7-9.

    March 27, 2010.Interview in Thomas van Heste, ''Megastal: tijdbom of wijsheid', Vrij Nederland 27/3/2010. Cf. www.transforum.nl/content/view/331/71/lang,nl

    February 13, 2010. 'Transitions-a reflexive governance perspective'. Keynote contribution to Workshop Transition Management for Sustainable Society - European Experience and Japanese Context. Integrated System for Sustainability Science, University of Tokyo .

    February 1, 2010. 'Sociaal maatschappelijke visie op keuzevraagstukken bij duurzaam beheer van de ondergrond', Voordracht op het Startcongres SKB, Duurzame ontwikkeling van de ondergrond, Den Haag.

    January, 28, 2010. 'Praktijken voor Workplace Health Promotion:een transitie perspectief', Seminar Systeeminnovaties Gezondheidsmanagement. Wageningen University .

    January 21,2010.  ' Advice for action: What to do when society cannot wait   for full, uncontested knowledge?' Invited Lecture a the First international conference on Frontiers in Shallow Subsurface Technology , Delft , 20-22 January 2010.

    November, 26,2009. 'Financial Aspects of Sustainable Development: a transition perspective', Crystal City , Amsterdam .

    September 28, 2009. 'Strategies for Green Care: a Transitions Perspective', Key Note Lecture at a Cost Conference on Green Care, Antalya , Turkey , Sept 28-30.

  • Teaching

    Currently, I am  teaching within the political science curriculum:

    • MSc Specialisation Course Public Policy and Governance (block 1; 6 ECTS; compulsory introduction for students enrolled in the PPG track)
    • BSc course Food Governance and System Innovation (block 1; 6 ECTS, compulsory course in Future Planning Studies curriculum, elective for Political Science students)
    • BSc course Greening Economy and Society (with dr Luca Fransen and Nicky Westerkamp, MA)
    • MSc elective Policy Analysis as Politics and Craft (9 ECTS; block 2-3)
    • BSc second course Sustainability Politics. Paradigms and Debates (6 ECTS, block 5

    Within the Science Faculty I am teaching the MSc programme System Innovations and Transition Management.

  • Publicaties


    • Dablander, F., Hickey, C., Sandberg, M., Zell-Ziegler, C., & Grin, J. (2025). Embracing sufficiency to accelerate the energy transition. Energy Research and Social Science, 120, Article 103907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103907
    • Grin, J. (2025). Causation in Policy Science: Knowledge, Power, Meaning, Agency and Context. In P. Illari, & F. Russo (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Causality and Causal Methods (pp. 138-151). (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003528937-15 [details]


    • Refolo, P., Sacchini, D., Bloemen, B., Grin, J., Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, I., Hofmann, B., Oortwijn, W., Raimondi, C., Sampietro-Colom, L., Sandman, L., van der Wilt, G. J., & Spagnolo, A. G. (2023). On the normativity of evidence: Lessons from philosophy of science and the “VALIDATE” project. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 27(23), 11202-11210. https://doi.org/10.26355/eurrev_202312_34560 [details]
    • van Dokkum, H. P., Loeber, A. M. C., & Grin, J. (2023). Understanding the role of government in sustainability transitions: A conceptual lens to analyse the Dutch gas quake case. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194, Article 122685. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122685 [details]


    • Grin, J., Bloemen, B., Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, I., Hofmann, B., Oortwijn, W., Refolo, P., Sacchini, D., Sampietro-Colom, L., Sandman, L., & Van der Wilt, G. J. (2022). Learning and practicing more value-reflective, problem-setting health technology assessment: Experiences and lessons from the VALIDATE project. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 38(1), Article E63. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266462322000204 [details]
    • Refolo, P., Bloemen, B., Corsano, B., Grin, J., Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, I., Hofmann, B., Oortwijn, W., Sampietro-Colom, L., Sandman, L., Van der Wilt, G. J., & Sacchini, D. (2022). Prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination. The added value of the “VALIDATE” approach. Health Policy, 126(8), 770-776. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2022.05.005 [details]
    • Van der Wilt, G. J., Bloemen, B., Grin, J., Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, I., Sampietro-Colom, L., Refolo, P., Sacchini, D., Hofmann, B., Sandman, L., & Oortwijn, W. (2022). Integrating Empirical Analysis and Normative Inquiry in Health Technology Assessment: The Values in Doing Assessments of Health Technologies Approach. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 38(1), Article E52. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266462321001768 [details]






    • Avelino, F., & Grin, J. (2017). Beyond deconstruction. a reconstructive perspective on sustainability transition governance. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 22, 15-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2016.07.003 [details]
    • Broerse, J. E. W., & Grin, J. (2017). The future of healthcare systems: beyond the persistence of contemporary challenges. In J. E. W. Broerse, & J. Grin (Eds.), Toward Sustainable Transitions in Healthcare Systems (pp. 261-286). (Routledge studies in sustainability transitions; Vol. 3). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315232133-11 [details]
    • Grin, J., & Broerse, J. E. W. (2017). Introduction. In J. E. W. Broerse, & J. Grin (Eds.), Toward Sustainable Transitions in Healthcare Systems (pp. 1-20). (Routledge studies in sustainability transitions; Vol. 3). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315232133-1 [details]
    • Grin, J., Frantzeskaki, N., Castán Broto, V., & Coenen, L. (2017). Sustainability Transitions and the City: Linking to transition studies and looking forward. In N. Frantzeskaki, V. Castán Broto, L. Coenen, & D. Loorbach (Eds.), Urban Sustainability Transitions (pp. 359-367). (Routledge Studies in Sustainability Transitions; Vol. 5). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315228389-26 [details]


    • Avelino, F., Grin, J., Pel, B., & Jhagroe, S. (2016). The Politics of Sustainability Transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18(5), 557-567. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2016.1216782 [details]
    • Avelino, F., Grin, J., Pel, B., & Jhagroe, S. (Eds.) (2016). The Politics of Transition. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18(5), 557-729. http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjoe20/18/5?nav=tocList
    • Frantzeskaki, N., Thissen, W., & Grin, J. (2016). Drifting between transitions: Lessons from the environmental transition around the river Acheloos Diversion project in Greece. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 102, 275–286. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2015.09.007 [details]
    • Grin, J. (2016). Transition Studies: Basic Ideas and Analytical Approaches. In H. G. Brauch, Ú. Oswald Spring, J. Grin, & J. Scheffran (Eds.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace (pp. 105-121). (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace; Vol. 10). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43884-9_4 [details]
    • Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2016). Identity formation and strategy development in overlapping institutional fields: Different entry & alignment strategies of regional organizations of care farms into the healthcare domain. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(6), 973-993. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-07-2015-0122 [details]
    • Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2016). Entrepreneurship in agriculture and healthcare: Different entry strategies of care farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, (43), 27-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.11.013 [details]



    • Grin, J. (2014). Verandering bewerken in een veranderende context: lessen uit de transitie van de Nederlandse landbouw. Res Publica, 56(4), 455-480. [details]
    • Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2014). Farming with care: the evolution of care farming in the Netherlands. NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 68, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.njas.2013.11.001 [details]
    • Karadzic, V., Antunes, P., & Grin, J. (2014). Adapting to environmental and market change: Insights from Fish Producer Organizations in Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 102A, 365-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.10.010 [details]
    • Karadzic, V., Grin, J., Antunes, P., & Banovic, M. (2014). Social learning in fish producers' organizations: how fishers perceive their membership experience and what they learn from it. Marine Policy, 44, 427-437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2013.10.007 [details]



    • Grin, J. (2012). Changing governments, kitchens, supermarkets, firms and farms: the governance of transitions between societal practices and supply systems. In G. Spaargaren, P. Oosterveer, & A. Loeber (Eds.), Food practices in transition: changing food consumption, retail and production in the age of reflexive modernity (pp. 35-56). (Routledge studies in sustainability transitions; No. 3). Routledge. [details]
    • Grin, J. (2012). The politics of transition governance in Dutch agriculture: conceptual understanding and implications for transition management. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 15(1-2), 72-89. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSD.2012.044035 [details]
    • Hassing, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2012). Care farms in the Netherlands: an underexplored example of multifunctional agriculture - toward an empirically grounded, organization-theory-based typology. Rural Sociology, 77(4), 569-600. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2012.00089.x [details]


    • Grin, J., & Marijnen, E. (2011). Global threats, global changes and connected communities in the global agrofood system. In H. G. Brauch, Ú. Oswald Spring, C. Mesjasz, J. Grin, P. Kameri-Mbote, B. Chourou, P. Dunay, & J. Birkmann (Eds.), Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks (pp. 1005-1018). (Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace; No. 5). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17776-7_61 [details]
    • Grin, J., Rotmans, J., & Schot, J. (2011). On patterns and agency in transition dynamics: some key insights from the KSI programme. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 1(1), 76-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2011.04.008 [details]
    • Hessels, L. K., Grin, J., & Smits, R. E. H. M. (2011). The effects of a changing institutional environment on academic research practices: three cases from agricultural science. Science and Public Policy, 38(7), 555-568. https://doi.org/10.3152/030234211X12960315267976 [details]
    • Hessels, L. K., van Lente, H., Grin, J., & Smits, R. E. H. M. (2011). Changing struggles for relevance in eight fields of natural science. Industry and Higher Education, 25(5), 347-357. https://doi.org/10.5367/ihe.2011.0056 [details]
    • Lissandrello, E., & Grin, J. (2011). Reflexive planning as design and work: lessons from the Port of Amsterdam. Planning Theory & Practice, 12(2), 223-248. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2011.580156 [details]
    • Moret-Harman, M., Reuzel, R., Grin, J., Kramers, C., & van der Wilt, G. J. (2011). Strengthening evaluation through interactive problem structuring: a case study of hospital care after attempted suicide. Evaluation : The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 17(1), 37-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356389010392203 [details]




    • Grin, J. (2008). The multilevel perspective and the design of system innovations. In J. C. J. M. van den Bergh, & F. R. Bruinsma (Eds.), Managing the transition to renewable energy: theory and practice from local, regional and macro perspectives (pp. 47-79). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • Grin, J., & Bos, B. (2008). "Doing" reflexive modernization in pig husbandry: the hard work of changing the course of a river. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 33(4), 480-507. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162243907306697 [details]
    • Moret-Hartman, M., Reuzel, R., Grin, J., & van der Wilt, G. J. (2008). Participatory workshops are not enough to prevent policy implementation failures: an example of a policy development process concerning the drug interferon-beta for multiple sclerosis. Health Care Analysis, 16(2), 161-175. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10728-007-0069-1 [details]


    • Parvizi Amineh, M., & Grin, J. (2003). Globalisation, the State System and Regionalism: Analysing post-Cold War Security, Development and Democracy in the Mediterranean Region. In H. G. Brauch, A. Marquina, & M. Selim (Eds.), Security and environment in the Mediterranean: conceptualising security and environmental conflicts (pp. 267-276). Springer.



    • Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, Ú., Grin, J., & Scheffran, J. (Eds.) (2016). Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace ; Vol. 10). Springer. [details]


    • Grin, J., Polman, N., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M., & Vogelzang, T. (2015). Verdienmodellen voor natuurinclusieve landbouw: Wat ondernemers al doen, en wat de overheid kan doen om opschaling te bevorderen. (LEI Notitie; No. 2015-44). Wageningen UR. http://edepot.wur.nl/350536 [details]
    • Hessels, L. K., van Lente, H., Grin, J., & Smits, R. E. H. M. (2015). Changing Struggles for Relevance in Eight Fields of Natural Science. In J. Mitra, & J. Edmondson (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Exchange (pp. 263-282). (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship; Vol. 7). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315795638 [details]
    • van der Wilt, G. J., Reuzel, R., & Grin, J. (2015). Design for Values in Healthcare Technology. In J. van den Hoven, P. E. Vermaas, & I. van de Poel (Eds.), Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains (pp. 717-738). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-6970-0_36 [details]


    • Grin, J. (2014). Het Innovative Medical Device Initiative kan nog meer! Barrières en strategieën voor een IMDI bijdrage aan toekomstige gezondheidszorg. ZonMw.


    • Grin, J. (2013). Burgerkracht als idee tussen landelijke politiek en locale werkvloer: hoe krijgt het betekenis, hoe geeft het betekenis? In T. Kampen, I. Verhoeven, & L. Verplanke (Eds.), De affectieve burger: hoe de overheid verleidt en verplicht tot zorgzaamheid (pp. 112-130). (Tijdschrift voor sociale vraagstukken. Jaarboek; Vol. 2013). Van Gennep. [details]


    • Elzen, B., Barbier, M., Cerf, M., & Grin, J. (2012). Stimulating transitions towards sustainable farming systems. In I. Darnhofer, D. Gibbon, & B. Dedieu (Eds.), Farming systems research into the 21st century: the new dynamic (pp. 431-455). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-4503-2_19 [details]
    • Grin, J. (2012). Science for practice? Planning Theory & Practice, 13(3), 472-475. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2012.704712 [details]
    • Grin, J., Koffijberg, J., Hafkamp, W., & Wesseling, H. (2012). Problemen en arrangementen in steden: van diagnose naar bestuurlijke oplossingen. Bestuurskunde, 21(1), 54-60. [details]


    • Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, Ú., Mesjasz, C., Grin, J., Kameri-Mbote, P., Chourou, B., Dunay, P., & Birkmann, J. (2011). Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks. (Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace; No. 5). Springer. [details]


    • Gielen, A. J., & Grin, J. (2010). De betekenissen van "evidence based handelen" en de aard van "evidence": lessen rond rugscholen en radicalisering. In D. Verlet, & C. Devos (Eds.), Efficiëntie en effectiviteit van de publieke sector in de weegschaal (pp. 59-78). (SVR-Studie; No. 2). Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering. http://www4.vlaanderen.be/dar/svr/afbeeldingennieuwtjes/besturen/bijlagen/2010-06-30-svrstudie2010-2-efficientie.pdf [details]
    • Grin, J. (2010). Acting locally, developing knowledge globally: a transitions perspective on designing climate change adaptation strategies. In J. Driessen, P. Leroy, & W. van Vierssen (Eds.), From climate change to social change: perspectives on science-policy Interactions (pp. 95-108). International Books. [details]


    • Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, Ú., Grin, J., Mesjasz, C., Kameri-Mbote, P., Behera, N. C., Chourou, B., & Krummenacher, H. (2009). Facing global environmental change: environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts. (Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace; No. 4). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68488-6 [details]


    • Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, Ú., Mesjasz, C., Grin, J., Dunay, P., Behera, N. C., Chourou, B., Kameri-Mbote, P., & Liotta, P. H. (2008). Globalization and environmental challenges: reconceptualizing security in the 21st century. (Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace; No. 3). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-75977-5 [details]
    • Grin, J., & Staveren, A. (2008). Grensoverschrijdend samenwerken aan maatschappelijke vraagstukken: noodzaak én lastigheid. M & O : tijdschrift voor management en organisatie, 62(2), 46-58. [details]


    • Grin, J. (2019). Over transitiestudies en systeemverandering. In B. Kessener, & L. van Oss (Eds.), Meer dan de som der delen: Systeemdenkers over organiseren en veranderen (pp. 647-662). Management IMPACT. [details]






    • Bos, A. P., Grin, J., Spoelstra, S. F., & Groot Koerkamp, P. W. G. (2010). Dimensies van groei in de veehouderij = Dimensions of growth in livestock production. (Wageningen UR Livestock Research; No. 319). Wageningen UR Livestock Research. http://edepot.wur.nl/51815 [details]
    • Grin, J. (2010). De zorg wordt weer mensenwerk. In L. van de Poll, & S. de Wit (Eds.), Jaarbeeld 2010: de arbeidsmarkt van de Amsterdamse gezondheidszorg in feiten en cijfers (pp. 53). SIGRA werk in de zorg. http://lomoz.org/attachments/File/SIGRA_-_JAARBEELD_2010.pdf [details]


    Prijs / subsidie

    • Hordijk, M., Grin, J. & Naus, J. (2020). Behaviour and Transitions: 'From adaptation and mitigation to regeneration. Transforming behaviour by changing the recursive relationship between behaviour and transition-relevant systems (TransB).
    • van de Kamp, L., Hordijk, M. A., Grin, J. & Giezen, M. (2017). CUS Seed Grant XL: Co-creatietraject ‘Kennisdeling in Living Lab Buiksloterham’.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie



    • Grin, J. (invited speaker) (2013). Patient involvement in EBM: is methodical rigour possible?, Symposium ‘”Evidence Based Medicine messages versus societal expectations’ of the Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg, Brussels.


    • Hassink, J. (2017). Understanding care farming as a swiftly developing sector in the Netherlands. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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